How to make your own homemade bottled bangus in corn oil. Making bottled bangus in corn oil is a good business idea for anyone wanting to have a home based food business. You can make additional income by selling it to your friends, neighbors, restaurants, food shops, bazaars and supermarkets.

Bottled Bangus in Corn Oil
(Adapted from Gamboa, 2000 and BFAR-7, 2001)
Ingredients (per 8 oz bottle)
Corn oil (To fill)
Carrots 2 slices
Pickles 2 slices
Peppercorn 3 pcs.
Chili pepper (Siling labuyo) 1 pc.
Iodized salt 1/2 tsp.
MSG (pinch)
Bay leaf 1 pc.
1. Remove the head, fins, tail, belly flaps and internal organs.
2. Cut the fish transversely to fit the size of the bottle.
3. Wash the fish thoroughly to remove all traces of blood
4. Partially dehydrate and pre-process fish by either of two ways:
a. Dry for 2 hours under the sun or until firm and deep fry in oil for 2 minutes (Gamboa, 2000)
b. Soak in 10% brine solution (1 part salt to 9 parts of water) for 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the fish (BFAR-7, 2001)
5. Place the fish inside the bottles and add the rest of ingredients.
6. Fill with corn oil, leaving ¼ inch space from top of bottle.
7. Lightly cap bottles and exhaust by putting in a hot water bath or by steaming for 15 to 20 minutes.
8. Cap bottles tightly while still hot and check for leakage by inverting each bottle.
9. Arrange in pressure cooker and process for 100 minutes at 10 psi.
10. Allow pressure to drop. Remove the jars, allow to cool and wash with soap and water.
11. Dry bottles, apply label and plastic cap sealer.
12. Store for at least one month to attain desired flavor before distributing
Source: (Wilfredo G. Yap, Antonio C. Villaluz, Ma. Gracia G. Soriano, and Mary Nia Santos) Milkfish Production and Processing Technologies in the Philippines
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