Let’s learn how to start a siomai business
Starting a siomai business is easy. It only requires low capital. The hard part is keeping the siomai business running. But with good marketing strategy, good location and good know how of the product, your siomai business can be profitable and successful.

Here are the tips on how to start your own siomai business.
1. Name your business – In choosing a name for your business, it has to be something related to your product, unique and easy to remember.
2. Register your business – To make your business legal and functional there are several government agencies you have to register with. Click here on How to Get Business Permits and Licenses for your business.
3. Learn how to make siomai – Do you know how to make your own specialty siomai that’s so awesome you know everyone will want it. If you do then great. If not, then you’d better learn. Click here to learn how to make siomai and special siomai sauce.
4. Make your own food cart – You don’t need anything huge right away. Getting a very basic cart is all you need to get started. Food carts are easy to set up, requires low capital and is cheaper than putting up a restaurant. Learn here how to start your own food cart business.
5. Find a good location – Look for a place that is in a commercial area where there is heavy foot traffic like in malls, train stations, terminals, schools and office areas. Having positioned your business in a good place means lots of income.
6. Market your product – Don’t be so confident that’s because your business is located in a heavy foot traffic area people will notice it. Sorry, but no. You have to make a noise so that people will know that you are selling something for them. Make something that people will always comeback for your product. Don’t settle for less.
7. Save your profit – Save all the money you can. Once you’re business grows you can expand to other locations and add more products being offered.
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I would recommend starting your online business at home, even while you have your employment. There are tons of ideas out there, which one can capitalize. Everything is actually going online. I am expecting that Philippines will also follow the trend of 1st world countries, wherein most shopping is now done via online. I do have an online e-commerce website myself and leverages through online free classified ads such as http://www.mybenta.com, OLX and AYOS.
very informative post thank you for sharing