Ham is the thigh and rump of pork, cut from the haunch of a hog. Ham is classified into various types as the following: Chinese style ham, quick cured ham, sweet or pineapple ham, loin or belly ham, rolled ham, pear shaped ham.

Rolled ham has been cured with brine, either by immersion or injection. The curing solution contains vacuum salt, sugar, nitrite, ascorbic acide, ham spice and wheat fibers what will enclose the juice of the meat. Smoked flavor is also added. Normally, rolled ham comes from the pigue or belly.
The meat material is soaked in 50°C salinity. Cover pickle for a period of 8 hours at refrigeration temperature. Curing improves the flavor and the color of the ham. The material is being rolled and cook, after cooking ham, net is removed, cooled and caramelized.
Three pieces rolled ham can be prepared per kilogram of meat.
Rolled Ham Recipe
Meat Material
1 kg Pork pigue (hind leg)
Curing Mix
1 tbsp Salt, refined
1 /2 tsp Curing salt
1 tsp Phosphate
1/4 tsp Vitamin C powder
1 tbsp Hamspice
1 cup Water
Cooking Ingredients
1 cups Brown sugar
1 cup Pineapple juice
1/2 cup Anisado wine
1-2 pcs Bay leaf
3-5 pcs Clavo de comer
3-4 strands Oregano, dried
1 tsp Cinnamon powder
1 bottle 7-up
1. Select good quality raw material.
2. Slice meat beginning on one long side across to within 1/2 of the other side.
3. Measure and weight all the ingredients.
4. Prepare the cover pickle.
5. Immerse the sliced meat into cover pickle.
6. Cure either at room temperature for 8-12 hours in the refrigerator.
7. Lay sliced meat flat in a platter. Roll meat carefully from one end to other end and tie securely with a cotton cord. Insert pineapple slices inside the meat.
8. Cook with the recommended ingredients for 1 1/2 hours or until tender.
9. Cool. Remove strings and caramelize. Chill or freeze.
10. Slice meat crosswise and serve.
Caramelization process
1. Use of blow torch. Put brown sugar on fat portion and caramelize.
2. Oven. Broiling temperature for 20 minutes with brown sugar on the fat portion of the meat.
3. Use of turbo with brown sugar on top of the fat. Temperature is 350°F for 20 minutes until golden brown.
4. Traditional hot syense (metal spatula) on top of the fat portion with brown sugar.
5. Use of thick syrup* to be pored on top of the fat portion.
How to make thick ham syrup
Thick syrup is prepared by boiling 1 cup cooking solution, 2 cups brown sugar, and 1/4 cup pineapple juice. Boil until thickens. Add 1/2 tsp carageenan, dissolved in 1/4 cup water.
All above mentioned meat processing ingredients are available at:
Spices and Food Mix House
107 E. Rodriguez Ave., Quezon City
Phone: 742-7866/0826, 411-1349
Web: www.spicesandfoodmixhouse.com
Source: Lourdes S. Rivera, Marid Digest