If you start saving water daily, then it will also lower the usage of energy and will also cut down the cost. When the excess water is used in the homes and at the industrial level then it burdens the water utilities like the pipelines, faucets, and appliances. It causes them to malfunction and can become the reason for leakages. This leakage can waste a large amount of water if not caught timely and repaired immediately. To reduce the risk of leakages electronic water control valves can be used in the pipelines because they can electronically control the flow rate of the water.
More Info:
Today people have become aware of the relevancy of water and energy and understand that if they will not change the way they are using water and energy then the world in which we live will change in the next few years. That’s why, there is a great need to optimize the use of water and energy.
Here we have listed effective tips to optimize the use of energy and water:
Use Electronic Water Control Valves:
A flow control valve installed in the water line helps to restrict the flow and delivers the precise flow rate and keeps the pressure low. The water coming from the main sources have a very high pressure. If no control valve with solenoid will be installed in the main line then this pressure can damage the pipelines and the water appliances such as the water heating systems, washing machines and dishwashers etc.
Install Efficient Water Heating Systems:
Water heating systems consume high energy that’s why they should be replaced with the efficient ones and high-quality electronic water control valves should be used with them. There are three ways to use the water heater efficiently and can save energy: Use hot water less, turn down the thermostat after using the hot water and do the insulation of the cold and hot water pipes.
If you are going to replace the water heating system then two factors should never be ignored: check the type of the system, whether it fits your needs and the type of fuel that it will use. For instance, tankless water heaters are more energy efficient as compared to others. But they are not good for large families.
Insulate your Home and Pipelines:
If you want to lower your utility bills then insulate your home, pipelines and the installed electronic water control valves. This insulation will retain heat during the winter season inside the home to keep the home warm and in the summer it will help in removing the heat from your home.
The amount of insulation depends upon the covered area of your home. The insulation done on the electronic flow control valves and water pipes helps to prevent the water from freezing in the lines during the winter season. If it happens then there are high chances of leakages and a pipe burst. This burst can be dangerous for your appliances and family members.
Upgrade your HVAC system:
HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. This system moves air between the indoor and outdoor areas of the residential and commercial buildings. The most effective way of optimizing the use of energy is to install heat pumps with the HVAC systems. These pumps help to regulate the airflow on a specific flow rate and pressure with the help of the flow regulator valve inside all the areas of the home to maintain a constant and same temperature in areas of the home.
Final Words:
By using electronic water control valves and following the above-listed tips, one can easily optimize the use of water and energy in residential and commercial buildings.