Should My Business Go to The Cloud?

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In the world of business, securing vital documents is just as important as attracting customers. In the past, many businesses would often put their shared files on local PCs and servers for the purpose of safekeeping. However, continuous advancements in technology gave us the Cloud, which refers to the thousands of internet-based computers mainly used for data storage. Aside from documents, the Cloud can also be utilized as a host for email systems. These capabilities made it a highly sought-after resource especially for those aiming to take the growth of their companies to the next level.  The Cloud is also a good fit for some small businesses with multiple locations or a mobile workforce.

If you have just started your own business, there is a good chance that you’re still undecided on whether you should use the Cloud for your advantage or not. In case you’ve never heard anything about the Cloud before, read on! The infographic below by Landau Consulting will give you some of the basic information that you need to know about using the Cloud for your business:


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