Author: BD

BD is the dedicated admin II of, passionate about empowering Filipino entrepreneurs with actionable business insights and tools. When not curating top-notch content or managing the site, BD enjoys tending to his garden, finding inspiration and peace in nurturing growth—both in plants and in the entrepreneurial community.
Image: infected with Metarhizium strains showing sporulation on cadavers. (A) Melanoplus femurrubrum infected with wild type Metarhizium acridum Ma324. Galleria mellonella infected with transgenic Ma324-Mest1 (B) and wild type Metarhizium robertsii Mr2575 (C). Manduca sexta infected with transgenic M. acridum Ma324-Mest1 (D) and wild type M. robertsii Mr2575 (E).

Metarhizium: the mighty fungus

Many people associate fungi or molds to various health and food problems. It is widely considered as the culprit for many animal and human diseases and infections. Scientists and biologists […]

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