5-Minute Microwave Chocolate Cake

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This recipe is for making an easy chocolate cake, with cheap ingredients, that you’ll sure have in home. Easy and quickly done in microwave. Interested? Continue reading!

chocolate cake

5-Minute Microwave Chocolate Cake


For 1 individual cake:

First, you’ll need a microwave, and a mug/bowl, because the cake isn’t big.

4 tbsp (60 mL) flour (wheat is fine)
4 tbsp (60 mL) sugar
2 tbsp (30 mL) unsweetened cocoa. I used that cocoa for making dense chocolate in microwave.
2 tbsp (30 mL) whisked egg (don’t forget it’s a small cake!)
3 tbsp (45 mL) milk
3 tbsp (45ml) oil
3 tbsp (15 mL) chocolate chips or pine nuts or hazelnuts
Vanilla or cinnamon to taste

If you want a fudge version, just omit the egg.


1. Mix all the dry ingredients directly in the mug/bowl.
2. Add the egg and mix well.
3. Stir milk and oil.
4. Add then your chocolate chips and vanilla. Stir well.
5. Microwave for 3 minutes at 1000w or 4 minutes at 700w or 3:30 minutes at 750w.


It is suggested that you let it cool a bit before consuming.

Photo credit: bunchofpants / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

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