How Staff Leasing Works for Your Business

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Many business owners tend to outsource specific roles in their teams to support their growing company. The benefits of cutting costs and staff flexibility are the most enticing reasons why many business owners go for it. If you’re in the middle of deciding whether to outsource employees for your business or not, it’s worth checking out the new kid on the block: staff leasing.

Staff leasing is not new, but it’s not as popular as outsourcing yet. This business model allows companies to outsource human resources tasks through a Professional Employer Organization and hook your business to knowledgeable professionals, from administrative tasks like HR and accounting to technical skills like web development and engineering.

The main difference between outsourcing and staff leasing lies in the management style. In the former, your employees are hired by a partner company that manages their payroll, implements their policies outside your own, and has their unique management reporting schedule.

In the latter, your offshore employees can embrace the same company policies you have and even share the same benefits from the in-house staff, should you allow it. It’s as if you expanded your operations in another country, giving you more control over how you manage their time, deliverables, schedule, and the like.

Some companies appreciate having this option over what outsourcing provides. If this sounds like you, then you might be more interested in the benefits of staff leasing, as well as learn how you can start implementing this for your business. After all, it’s worth looking into all your options when it comes to growing your company.

In the infographic below, you can review the staff leasing process, learn more about the benefits of this model, study the pros and cons, and get some tips on how you can manage your overseas team.

staff leasing


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