Here are the 10 Ways to Relax Yourself While Working

ways to relax
  1. Do Deep Breathing Exercise

Although breathing is something we do all day, every day, most people don’t breathe properly, at least not when it comes to cycles of slow, deep breathing. If you’re feeling stressed in your workplace and need relaxation as soon as possible, try sitting up straight, inhaling through your nose for four seconds, then exhaling through the mouth for six seconds. Do this a few times – you just completed your first deep breathing exercise!

According to Harvard University, engaging in deep breathing exercises results in benefits like reduced heart rate, lowering blood pressure readings, and waving goodbye to anxiety and stress.

  1. Take a Few Minutes to Clean Up Your Workstation

Clutter has been shown to make people anxious, believe it or not.

That’s right – getting rid of anxiety in the workplace could be as easy as cleaning up your immediate working environment.

Research has found that we, as humans, retain about one percent of the things we see as memories. As such, the more cluttered your workspace is, the less likely you’ll be able to remember what actually matters.

  1. Go to the Bathroom and Meditate

All day long – especially when it comes to the workplace – our minds constantly buzz with thoughts, observations, and ideas.

As long as you have at least a few minutes to spare, you should be able to check in to the bathroom nearest you and attempt to meditate.

Recent research suggests that people who meditate during lunch, breaks, or before work are more likely to be able to control the anxiety that they experience that is directly related to their jobs. This is even truer in high-pressure environments.

Make sure to bring an alarm clock with you – your phone should suffice – and leave an alarm for five minutes on when you start meditating so you don’t accidentally fall asleep.

  1. Focus Intensely on Just One Task

When we try to multitask, we are more likely to be overwhelmed by stress or otherwise faced with excessive anxiety. One way to reduce anxiety related to multitasking is as simple as quick multitasking!

By focusing on just one task at once, you won’t have as many thoughts running through your head as if you were to multitask.

It’s also worth mentioning that you will most likely feel like you accomplished more things if you take down tasks one at a time.

  1. Eye Strain Is Real and It Can Be Painful!

Every day, more and more employers integrate new computers, mobile devices, and other technologies to their operations as usual. Although, as an office worker, you aren’t asked to toil in the hot Sun or outside in the cold. However, your body might get sore from not getting enough exercise.

This holds true for eye muscles. Although you can’t get work done without your computer, you need to take a screen break every 15 to 20 minutes. Look at objects at least 20 feet away after every 15- or 20-minute interval that passes. This will help keep eye strain at bay and keep your body feeling better.

  1. Take Exercise Breaks

If possible, take a few minutes away from your workstation and go climb stairs or to a nearby store like Brisbane Outlet. You’ll only need one to two minutes of exercise to feel more energized, shortly after which you’ll feel more relaxed.

Don’t go changing into your gym clothes every 15 minutes to take a short exercise break; though do find somewhere close to your desk where you can exercise for a minute or two. Staying active, however little, will also help boost your attention.

  1. Get a Handheld, Non-Mechanical Massager

The Internet is full of rubber and plastic balls used by people to massage tight, stiff body parts. This idea is especially great for people who sit at desks all day and otherwise don’t get much exercise in their lines of work.

These stress balls usually don tactile patterns that can send more blood throughout the areas massaged as opposed to massages done with bare hands.

If you sit in front of a computer all day in your line of work, make sure not to forget your neck, shoulders, and upper back. Massaging your face will also help, although it sounds strange.

  1. Snack on Healthy Foods

Avoid caffeine and alcohol if at all possible. These substances ultimately lead to more stress, believe it or not.

Invest in foods that have been proven to reduce stress levels, including seeds, nuts, oatmeal, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

Although you should never shove your face all day long in hopes that eating a lot of healthy food will result in healthy outcomes. Rather, it’ll simply result in you getting full and facing discomfort.

  1. Chewing Gum

While chewing gum might be something that you already do, you should make sure to chew gum whenever you’re experiencing eye strain or fatigue that manifests itself in your face muscles.

Chewing gum also helps keep your mind from wandering into subjects and areas that simply aren’t conducive to a good experience at work.

  1. Massage Your Feet with a Golf Ball

If you face feet discomfort or pain, try taking your shoes off under your desk or workstation and rolling a golf ball between one sole at a time and the floor. You will find that this activity releases tons of stress and tightness in your feet.

In the event that you can’t get your hands on a golf ball, other small, dense balls – such as billiard balls – will work just as well.

Use one, a handful of, or all of these relaxation methods in the workplace and you’re almost guaranteed to start feeling more relaxed within a few minutes of putting these strategies into action.

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