Hanabishi Appliances has extended its partnership with Filipino entertainment icon “Bossing” Vic Sotto, who is continuing his...
The enduring partnership between Hanabishi Appliances and the GMA Kapuso Foundation (GMAKF) continues, bringing hope and essential...
Hanabishi Appliances recently joined the SAKSI Ngayon publication in Pagbibigay Pugay Kina Lolo’t Lola, an event that...
Hanabishi celebrates Father’s Day this June 19 with special bundles for the man of the house. “Along...
From the manufacturers of the most popular air fryers in the past year, Hanabishi Appliances, comes the...
The reception for Hanabishi Appliances’ air fryer range has been nothing but positive. With different variations available,...
When it comes to offering quality appliances that can help you keep your home clean and sanitized,...
Now that we have to spend more time at home, it’s important to pay more attention to...
Looking for activities that every member of the family can take part in? Why not try making...
It is a testament to the resilience of Filipinos to find opportunity in adversity. Consumption shift has...
To help ease the condition of patients diagnosed with coronavirus-19 (COVID-19), Hanabishi partnered with long-running GMA noontime...