Quail Raising Guide – How To Raise Quail. The quail, locally known as pugo, is a small game bird found in temperate and tropical regions throughout the world.
Read moreCategory: Livestock
Livestock business ideas is for newbie and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to venture in livestock industry can greatly benefit from this livestock section of the site. This includes value-added products from livestock, livestock farming, livestock breeding and production, and many others.
S&T program to boost milk production from goat
The country is being envisioned to become a land of milk in a couple of years, goat milk that is. Through the PCAARRD-funded National Dairy Goat Science and Technology (S&T) […]
Read moreTips in Raising Turkeys
Turkeys are easier to raise than chicken and turkey meat is more expensive and easily sold in hotels. According to those with experience in raising turkeys, the following may be used as guides: 1. Turkeys may be allowed to roam about, and gather in barn at night. 2. Since turkeys eat plants, those that they […]
Read moreStarting a Backyard Broiler Business
Starting a Backyard Broiler Business. For backyard broiler raisers, before starting a broiler business, you have to determine how much capital you have or can borrow.
Read moreBackyard Piggery Project
Although demand for pork in many areas is high, the rising cost of production discourages many small farmers from attempting to raise swine on a small scale. The use of […]
Read moreHow to Start a Hog Raising Business
Hog raising in the Philippines has been a profitable business for Filipinos through the decades. Its popularity is evidently seen among backyards of rural families. An average Filipino family usually […]
Read moreBackyard Poultry Project using Compost Litter System
With the high cost of producing imported breeds of birds for meat and eggs, the current trend for farm households is to revive the traditional family backyard poultry project using […]
Read moreLow Cost Feeds and Feeding Methods for Livestock
Different kinds of trough, different local feed resources and feed supplements, 1999-12-01 Practice: Feed and Water Troughs Location: Philippines Technical Description There are many indigenous fixtures derived from the use of light materials and recyclable industry wastes. These fixtures are commonly used by farmers in livestock and poultry production. Bamboo and used tires are common […]
Read moreDuck Raising Guide
Duck Raising is a lucrative livestock industry in the Philippines because of its egg. Its most important product, the balut (boiled incubated duck’s egg), is sold daily throughout the archipelago for its delicious flavor and nutritive value. Duck raising is especially recommended in baytowns like those bordering the shores of Laguna de Bay, where there […]
Read moreHow to Raise Dairy Cattle
Temperate breeds of dairy cattle that have been raised successfully in the Philippines are the Holstein Friesian, the Jersey, and the Brown Swiss. TheHolstien-Friesian has an average daily milk production of 22 kilograms with an average butterfat content of 3.6 per cent. The Jersey produces an average of 13 kilograms of milk while the Brown […]
Read moreParaoakan Becoming A Favorite Native Chicken
Paraoakan is becoming the choice of native chicken raisers. And it is for a number of good reasons. Paraoakan, of course, is the native chicken from Palawan. Of the several […]
Read moreIndigofera, now known as a good goat feed
Indigofera reportedly was first introduced, propagated, and promoted in Bansalan, Davao del Sur by the Mindanao Baptist Rural Life Center sometime in the 80s. Only few ruminant raisers then took […]
Read morePreserved Colostrum can Replace Whole Milk
Based on research findings conducted by PCARRD-DOST and UP at Los Baños, colostrum, a dark yellow mammary secretion which precedes normal milk flow, can be preserved to totally replace whole […]
Read moreVitamin C means more eggs from ducks
Vitamins are important to human health. This is a fact. But whether it has the same vital effect on animal health or whether their system could respond to vitamins as […]
Read moreGoat Raising Tips
Goats can be reared in the pasteurland, but rearing them in cages has more advantages such as: 1. Cage-reared goats are less exposed to parasites. 2. They are better fed, and so the mother goat gives more milk. 3. Less field space is necessary for growing fodder and grass. For every six (6) females and […]
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