Pigeon pea, locally known as “kadyos” is a reliable legume known to grow amidst drought, fixate nitrogen...
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Many people associate fungi or molds to various health and food problems. It is widely considered as...
The Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) has developed a manual on visitors’ carrying capacity in ecotourism...
Ginger Production Guide for Beginner Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) is popular tor its distinct sharp and hot...
Traditional medicine is being practiced as part of the culture of many indigenous groups in the Philippines....
Celery is a native to the Mediterranean and adjacent areas. The plant is strong smelling biennial. The...
Bottle gourd or calabash (Lagenaria siceraria [Molina] Standley), is commonly called upo among the Tagalogs. Other local...
Banana is an important fruit crop in the Philippines due to its potential both in the local...
Rattan is a very important non-timber forest product, owing to its versatility. It is an export winner....
Of all the bacterial diseases that continuously inflict severe damages to banana plantations worldwide, the Bugtok disease...
Many of our local plants contain helpful chemicals, particularly alkaloids, that are effective against fungal and bacterial...