Marketing Strategies for the Holiday Season

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If you have been in business long you know that the bulk of your sales will come from the months leading up to and going through the holiday season. The time to start your marketing for this season is July or even earlier!

Online sales are expected to reach 12 billion dollars this year so be sure you get a piece of that huge pie! This is a 1.5 to 2 times increase over 1999 as more people adjust to online shopping.

Here are some ideas that could help you get a slice of that holiday shopping pie:

1. You could offer a free holiday gift with every order over any set amount.

2. Offer free or discounted shipping with every order.

3. Send Christmas cards to your mailing list offering them a special discount or deal.

4. Offer a gift wrapping service for your customers. Make their shopping as easy and hassle free as possible.

5. If you do home parties, have a Christmas shopping party to split the shipping costs and/or wrapping costs. Have a holiday themed party with gift certificates and free samples.

6. Start a gift referral club with other businesses. If a customer is looking for something you do not offer, give them a place they can get it and other businesses will do the same for you.

7. Have a holiday themed contest on your site to draw in more customers.

8. Work with charity. Offer $x off for everyone who brings in a old toy for kids’ charity. For online shoppers have a donation button. This will attract customers as well as provide good publicity for your company.

9. Give a free holiday tips report out with every purchase. Provide tips on saving money, holiday decorating, etc.

10. Make sure everything on your site is working and up to date. Build a special holiday section for your holiday customers.

11. Have a gift ideas section for your shoppers who have trouble picking out gifts. Be sure and have gift certificates or cards available as well.

12. Mail out gift idea cards to your customers/mailing list.

13. Send out coupons with a chance at a free gift with every coupon returned.

14. Do not forget customer service. Provide a little extra for your customers so they come back for more.

15. Become the company with the most Christmas spirit. Donate a portion of all sales to a popular children’s charity.

16. Provide a quality product at a good price along with good customer service and your customers are bound to remain loyal to your company.

Take these ideas and add to them. Once you start trying new ideas you will be able to think of more and more. Don’t be afraid to try new and creative ideas. Test the results and keep track of what works and what doesn’t. What might not work in spring might be very effective during the holiday season.

The holiday marketing season is a chance for you to expand your business and gain more customers, but you must give them a reason to come to you and then to come back to you!

About the Author:
Terri Seymour (also known as “The eBook Lady”) has over ten year’s online experience and has helped many people start their own business. Visit her site at for resources, $1 resell ebooks & software, affiliate programs, free ezine and free business ebook with Master Resell Rights.

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