Globe blocks over 3,000 child porn URLs and domains in 2024

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Safer Internet Day 2025 Globe blocks over 3000 child porn URLs and domains in 2024

Globe reinforces its leadership in the fight against online child pornography as it continues efforts to block harmful content online to make the internet safer, especially for the young.

In 2024, Globe blocked 3,096 child pornography domains or those containing child sexual abuse and exploitation materials (CSAEM), a slight increase from 3,047 domains restricted in 2023. The company’s sustained site blocking reflects its commitment to creating a safer digital environment.

Since the launch of its #MakeITSafePH campaign in 2017, Globe has been steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding Filipino internet users, particularly children, from the dangers of online exploitation.

Aligned with the Anti-Child Pornography Act of 2009 (Republic Act 9775), which mandates Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to implement technologies that prevent the access to and transmission of child pornography, Globe has invested over USD 2.7 million in advanced content filtering systems.

These investments have improved the telco leader’s ability to detect and block illegal content, helping ensure a better digital environment for all users.

“Safer Internet Day serves as a timely reminder of the need to protect children from online exploitation. Our dedication to addressing online child abuse goes beyond blocking harmful sites.  It involves a comprehensive approach that includes technological solutions, strong partnerships, and proactive educational programs,” said Atty. Irish Krystle Salandanan-Almeida, Globe’s Chief Privacy Officer.

Globe’s ongoing initiatives are reinforced by its collaboration with key organizations, including the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Philippine Chamber of Telecommunications Operators (PCTO), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF).

These partnerships enhance Globe’s efforts in combating online child sexual abuse and exploitation, an alarming issue highlighted by a study from the US-based National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), which identified the Philippines as a leading source of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) content.

On the other hand, Globe’s #MakeITSafePH campaign promotes educational programs and awareness activities that empower Filipino internet users with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves online.

Safer Internet Day underscores the importance of collective effort to empower people to use technology safely. Globe remains committed to its mission of creating a safer digital world, particularly for children who are most vulnerable to online harm.

To learn more about Globe, visit

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