Best Marketing Strategies For Your Shopify Store Success 1

Setting up a Shopify store for your ecommerce business isn’t enough. With 4.4 billion stores on the platform, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. Unless you try to beat your competitors and be visible to the right audience, your Shopify store won’t get recognition and sales. This is where Shopify marketing comes into the scene. With Shopify marketing strategies, you can promote your store or products, attract potential customers, retain existing ones, and build a strong brand presence.

In this blog, we have listed the top 10 Shopify marketing strategies for you to skyrocket your sales and create a closely-knit customer community.

What is Shopify Marketing?

Shopify marketing refers to strategies you plan and execute to promote your products and attract and engage customers. The purpose is to create awareness about your brand, get in front of the right audience, address their pain points, and offer your products as the ideal solution.

The right Shopify digital marketing strategy involves running data-driven campaigns that establish your brand presence, boost brand credibility and facilitate sales.

It is all about finding your target audience, driving traffic to your store and getting people to buy your products. You can do so by making subtle changes in your Shopify store layout, optimizing it for SEO, and using built-in tools and apps. Or you can experiment with running marketing campaigns on digital channels like social media, YouTube and email.

Successful Shopify stores leverage a mix of Shopify tools and third-party apps to run their marketing campaigns. For example, you can use the Shopify pop-up feature to ask your store visitors to sign up for your email list. Then you can use any email marketing tool to send offers, new releases and loyalty program details to your subscribers.

10 Proven Shopify Marketing Strategies To Attract Customers & Boost Sales

You can turn your business into a popular brand by implementing the right marketing strategies. Here are 10 tried and tested strategies to market your Shopify store for your business to scale and succeed.

Shopify Store Site Optimization

The first feature of a store that customers love to buy from and come back to is user-friendliness. Always ensure that your Shopify store is optimized for high speed, easy-to-navigate and responsive across all devices.

You should go for the latest theme that loads fast and responsive. Do not forget to organize your products into clear categories and showcase them on your home page for more accessibility.

Moreover, you should look for unnecessary redirects or pop-ups that break the customer flow. Get rid of these features to improve customer experience in your store.

Focus On SEO

If you don’t want to spend hefty on Google ads, it’s time to start taking SEO seriously. SEO-optimized marketing will get you huge traffic and conversions if done the right way.

We recommend you do market and competitor research. Then find out the keywords relevant to your services and products. Also, look for keywords your competitors are targeting and do not forget to identify keyword gaps. This will help you optimize your pages better and outrank your competitors.

From metadata to product titles and descriptions, your content on every page should be SEO-optimized accordingly. Even your URL structure and alt text for images should also be optimized for SEO. Go for a short URL with the main keyword in it.

However, do not blindly stuff keywords in your product pages. Focus on the search intent for every keyword and then decide which keyword should go where.

For example, if the search intent for a keyword is informational, you should target it with a blog. You can have transactional keywords in your product pages.

If you are struggling with your Shopify SEO, get help from Shopify marketing experts who have experience in the field.

Add Customer Reviews to Product Pages

Positive reviews are like approvals from your customers that prove your credibility. No matter what you claim about your products, as long as there are positive reviews and ratings to back it up, everyone will believe it.

These are trust signals that will convert store visitors to buyers within minutes. This is because reviews are a major source of information for people and a brand trust factor. People want to know the first-hand experience of users and customers who have bought the product.

So, you should always display reviews on your product pages. For this, you can set up a Shopify app to collect and showcase reviews. Once the customer has received the product, you can SMS, mail or send a push notification asking them to rate and share their feedback.

The best way to get more reviews is to incentivize the whole process. Learn from Myntra. They give you points for every review which you can redeem at your next checkout.

Another benefit of collecting customer reviews is that you can create several content formats around it for your social media posts and ads.

Create Abandoned Cart Recovery Campaigns

Let’s agree on one thing. We all have at some point in time added items to the cart and left it. We get busy and forget to check out at the moment or can’t decide whether to buy it or not.

As a business owner, abandoned carts are frustrating. It signals that customers are interested in your products but not motivated enough to buy them.

So what do you do?

The best strategy is to send them SMS, email or push notifications about left-out items in the cart. You can also encourage them by offering limited-time discounts or just a soon-to-stock-out reminder. You can automate these notifications and bring back the traffic and sales you lost.

It is always easier to convert these high-buying intent customers than new ones.

Make product suggestions shoppable on the homepage

Every business has a bundle of hot-selling products. Showcasing these products on the home page increases its chances of sale.

This is because it easily attracts the attention of the customers. They don’t have to explore the categories or a dozen of other products to make a decision. They know it’s hot and have good reviews, so they buy it instantly.

Please note that you should add ratings, a hot product tag and an add-to-cart button with these products for seamless customer experience.

Send SMS Product Promotions

SMS marketing still works. People might not open an email, but they open every SMS they receive. If you target the right audience who are interested in your niche, you will get a lot more traffic and engagement on your store than email marketing.

You can use SMS marketing to send discounts, exclusive offers, details about the end-of-the-season sale, early sale access and more.

Leverage the Power of Social Media

Products that go viral on social media are sold out within minutes or days after launch.

Today, the best marketing trick to attract your target audience is to engage with them on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. For instance, If you are into beauty, fashion, jewellery and home décor, Instagram is the ideal platform to create content, advertise and market your brand.

You can either create posts or reels about your products, run paid ads or even collaborate with influencers on Instagram. Additionally, you can also create a shoppable Instagram gallery that lets your customers buy directly from your feed.

Another platform where you can promote your products is Pinterest. This platform is popular among Gen Z and is less crowded than Instagram. So, you can initially try your luck here.

Send Out Push Notifications With Promotions

Similar to SMS marketing, push notifications are also successful in garnering customer’s attention. You can easily set up an automated push notification feature with Shopify’s in-built apps.

With push notifications, you can inform your customers about their order details, estimated delivery, new product launches, discounts, abandoned carts, and sales.

Start a loyalty Program

Starting a loyalty program is one of the best Shopify marketing strategies to retain your existing customers. You want your customers to remember your brand and buy from you every time.

To encourage this, you can start a customer loyalty program offering them special discounts or rewards on every purchase. These discount coupons or rewards can be redeemed at the next purchase.

You can also keep a purchase limit to be able to redeem these rewards. For example, a coupon offering a 30% discount on the next purchase of Rs 3000 or more.

This motivates the customers to buy more and come back whenever they need to shop.

Create a UGC Strategy

User Generated Content (UGC) is content created by customers or fans, rather than a brand. It’s a powerful marketing tool because it’s authentic, relatable, and often more trusted than traditional advertising.

UGC works for Shopify marketing because it’s authentic, builds trust, increases engagement, and gives you free promotions.

Ask your customers to tag your brand in their posts. Also, request satisfied customers to leave reviews or share their experiences on social media.

Start a social media contest or challenge to encourage people to make content tagging your brand. To motivate more, keep an attractive contest prize or reward.

You can also create a branded hashtag and encourage customers to use it in their posts.


Shopify marketing strategies mentioned above can be game changers for your store if done correctly. However, you don’t need to use all types of marketing strategies. You can always choose a mix of marketing campaigns as per your business niche and target audience. For example, if your audience is responding positively to emails rather than SMS, use email marketing aggressively. Also, if you successfully drive traffic from Facebook instead of Instagram, focus more on the platform that’s yielding results with engaging content. Maybe you can start paid ads on Facebook for better conversions. 

To sum up, the secret to successful Shopify marketing strategy lies in identifying your target audience, where they are most active, and their preferences. If you want sustainable business growth and to get ahead of your competitors, start investing in Shopify marketing today!

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