Well-designed signage helps you increase your brand exposure and depict your brand’s value to the target market. Your potential customers will draw a conclusion based on the quality of your signage and its position.

Therefore, paying additional attention to your signage is extremely important. It is best to design a couple of prototypes before you make a final decision for your signage. However, making some signage mistakes for your business is typical unless you work with a professional company.
You cannot expect your signage design process to be seamless. Every business is bound to make these business signage mistakes. It is up to you to avoid these mistakes since they play a crucial role in determining your brand’s integrity.
Signage Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
A slight mistake can not only affect your brand image but can also hinder your process of conveying your message to your potential customer effectively. So, here are the top 10 signage mistakes that a professional signage company can help overcome during the design process.
Poor Color Choice and Wrong Contrast
You know how important colors are for your business, but using the wrong complementary or contrasting colors can have dire effects. Colors are there to blend in with the environment of your signage. Contrast does not mean you should integrate clashing colors.
Using too many bright colors can give off the wrong image too. Contrasting colors will increase your visibility, but overdoing them can result in imbalanced signage that goes unnoticed.
Font Selection
Illegibility in your font leads to unattractive signage. It is one of the biggest mistakes you can make for your business signage. Your choice of font should resonate with your brand vision and should not come off as improper.
An unreadable font is also not good for your business. The primary task for your signage is to display a message. If it can’t do that, your signage is not good. This signage mistake is common since your font won’t look the same from a distance.
Signage Spacing
A pre-made template can help you figure out the proper spacing. Poor alignment can give the viewer a wrong look and look odd, even if they cannot identify the mistake.
Overlapping text and wrong combinations look bad in signs. You also need to figure out how to properly space all the graphical elements.
Stuffed Information
Narrating an entire story or your brand vision through text on your signage is not appealing. It leads to a cognitive overload that does not help your target audience to retain the information, even if they read it. Hence, the most optimal strategy is to include the key points and depict your brand’s vision and identity mainly through graphical elements.
Using Wrong Materials
You might think if you use every best material available in the market, your signage will have no problems. However, it is time to dismantle that theory. Using high-quality and expensive products can do no good if you don’t need them.
Most materials are expensive because they’re manufactured to endure harsh conditions. If your requirements are different, why invest a significant amount for these materials you don’t even need?
For example, if you use acrylic letters, they will last you a lifetime. But they’re not the best choice for impact-resistant signage. Hence, choosing the suitable material according to the situation can help you avoid this signage mistake.
Improper Installation
Improper installation can lead to innocent mistakes, but they give the wrong impression to your business. Using inappropriate adhesive material or drilling holes in materials like wood can lead to increased moisture in the wood and cause damage.
Working with a professional company can help you avoid these small mistakes and effectively install your signage to stay intact for years.
Irregular Maintenance
You may design the perfect signage without making any mistakes, but neglecting their maintenance can incur additional costs for you for no reason. If you see a problem after installing your signage, tend to it immediately. Also, keep a regular check and follow a maintenance routine to ensure your signage lasts for a longer time.
Choosing the Wrong Location
The wrong location can impact perfect signage. Choosing the right location after completing your design process is crucial to proper visibility. It enhances the experience of your potential consumer and increases the efficiency of the message your signage communicates. Make sure to remove all obstacles, such as trees, and keep the signage at a visible eye level.
Neglecting Digital Signage
A backlit sign harnesses the power to create moving signage that attracts your target audience. Including digital elements in your signage helps establish a better impression and allows you to market your brand’s signage throughout the day.
Installing at a Wrong Time
Timing matters in everything for your business. Hence the right timing for your signage is also important. For instance, putting up your signage in the off-season reduces its impact on the audience it can make.
The right signage team can help you blend in all the essential elements. However, even choosing the wrong signage company can lead to the biggest signage mistake you can make for your business. Hence, working with a professional signs company helps you avoid these signage mistakes and pave the path to achieving your business goals.