Facebook with its 2.8 billion active users is an excellent place to market your business. However, it will require more than posting a few items and asking friends to buy or shared. Experts have shared the tips used by successful businesses to market their brands on Facebook. Here are some of them that you can apply on both products and services.

Promote Your Business On Facebook

Create a Business Page

It is probably the perfect place to start. A business page helps you to separate personal and business matters. Followers and friends can differentiate content for business and that which targets personal issues.

A business page requires a professional profile. It should be the name and colors you use in your official marketing or communication. Include a logo, business address, and details that can direct potential customers to your business. Language and content on this page will be strictly professional and for your business.

Business pages also come with the option of creating ads. It is on this page that you access analytics and features that will help you to create target campaigns. Further, features such as ‘send message’ ‘like’, ‘automatic responses’ and such others are enhanced. With a page optimized for business, it is a boost to your engagement with fans and followers.

Research on Your Target Audience

Promoting a business on Facebook takes more than uploading content and hoping that people will like it. A successful campaign requires customer profiling. Know the gender, age, location, and marital status, among other factors. This is the information you use to develop a campaign and market your products.

Social media marketing in general and Facebook advertising in particular are no longer blind endeavors. Every dollar you spend must aim at a target and attract more returns. To get the best ROI requires the development of a profile indicating your potential customers. You minimize wastage by ensuring that you only spend money on an audience with the potential of delivering returns.

Create Captivating Content for Facebook

Facebook advertising is different from what you find on radio or television. While these traditional platforms are directly, social media, and specifically Facebook, rely on content. You have to create articles, videos, and posts that will capture the attention of your readers. Success in promoting your business on Facebook will depend on how well the target audience interacts with your content. For instance, tell the student about the average dissertation length. When many read such content, they comment and share with their friends. If your content is valuable, it will go viral and bring more business to your page. 

The type of content you create is informed by the research you conducted. Facebook has the option of short updates that are a few sentences, long articles that could run into thousands words and more, shared content from other platforms, videos, and images, among other varieties. Based on your target audience and their consumption habits, you should create the right content.

The content should include a call-to-action. This is a tag line that tells your reader or follower what to do next. Provide a number, email, or address to your store.

Engage Your Followers on Facebook

Billboards on the road are static. However, such an approach on Facebook will be disastrous. Once you upload content like a video or an article, prepare for reactions from your followers. Some will ask for more details while others want to order. You will also find negative and positive FB comments about your brand. Do not keep quiet. Talk to followers by liking, commenting, and addressing their queries.

Facebook followers want to feel that their actions are appreciated. Once a person comments on your content, respond by liking or reacting. In case it is a question, answer. When queries are raised about your products or services, respond. Such actions help to create a community around your brand. They are also important for Facebook algorithm and will result in more visibility.

Watch What Your Competitors are Doing

Keep an eye on what your rivals are doing for their brands and marketing campaigns. How many followers do they have? How often do they upload content on their pages? What is the level of engagement on the page? What type of content is getting the most engagement? Learn a thing or two about marketing on Facebook from your rivals.

Try Facebook Ads

While you can reach millions without spending anything on Facebook, an ad offers a new dimension to your business. Ads help you to target a specific market. You can choose male viewers or female, a specific age group, location, and even profession. Such targeting means that only the right people with the potential of buying your products will see the ad. The choice will increase the chances of selling online.

Facebook ads also come with the benefits of analytics. You can tell the people that clicked on a link, their location, and any other step they took. Such information is not available on an ordinary page. It helps you to craft a campaign that will deliver value for money and return on investment.

Use Analytics

This is probably the most important tool when promoting a brand online. Analytics give you an idea of how the target market is responding to your ads or content on Facebook. Luckily, Facebook comes with inbuilt analytics, meaning that you do not spend to get such crucial data.

Analytics are important when crafting a campaign. They provide data on who visited your page, when there were more visitors, and their actions on your page. If you are running a campaign aimed at directing people to your website, the analytics will tell you how many visited the page. With these analytics, you can design a better campaign, especially targeting a specific market that will give value for money.


Facebook remains the best social media platform to market your business. Understand Facebook for business and the features it offers so that you can maximize on their usage. Spend if you have to but use analytics to ensure that your expenditure is bringing the right value for money.

Author Bio: Naomi Whittaker is a professional writer at DissertationTeam. Previously, she worked as a digital marketer, so she has a lot to share about brand promotion on social media.

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