The Affordable Private Education Center, Inc., also known as APEC Schools, enlisted Globe as its partner for its Online Learning Program. The telecom giant is positioned to transform face-to-face learning into a seamless digital experience through the provision of Google Chromebooks for students.

“The pandemic has brought to light the harsh reality about accessibility in the Philippines. Many communities still do not possess the digital tools they need to make education and work possible,” shared Joie Lopez, Chief Executive Officer of APEC Schools. “Our collaboration with Globe allows our institution to address this prevalent issue by providing students with access to affordable home internet, as well as Chromebook laptops for rent.”
APEC Schools—a subsidiary of iPEOPLE, which is a formidable partnership between the Yuchengco Group of Companies and Ayala Corporation—has progressed into building 22 school branches across the Philippines, with more than 15,000 learners in both Junior and Senior High School. Together with Globe, the institution’s pivot towards online learning has allowed its vision of centering educational practices on technology to come full circle. APEC’s modern experience-based approach to learning enables students to seamlessly adapt to a digital world, making them perfectly placed to take on the new normal.
With students set to remain at home for the rest of the school year, APEC Schools developed initiatives such as APEC Flex to give students the capacity to learn through a homeschool curriculum. The program offers parents flexibility around their kids’ scheduling, learning pace, modes, and more. “What sets APEC’s homeschool program apart from others are the project and experiential-based design of the courses, as well as the additional level of support given to students through subject-matter-experts and course coordinators”, remarked Mark Sy, APEC Schools’ Chief Academic Officer.
APEC uses Google Chrome Management Console furnished by Globe to make it easy to distribute learning applications and materials across students’ Google accounts. With this web-based application and the availability of Google Chromebooks, students and parents can freely use Google Classroom and G Suite tools to participate in online classes, fulfill assignments, and seek assistance from teachers anytime, in the safety of their homes.
“With our solutions coupled with APEC’s educational expertise, individuals from all walks of life can witness the expansion of education outside the walls of the classroom,” mentioned Peter Maquera, Senior Vice President for Globe Business. “The collaboration makes it possible for students to form the self-motivation to learn, for parents to become deeply involved in their education, and for teachers to discover other learning opportunities through technology. These possibilities help Filipinos gain a more meaningful understanding of the value of digital transformation.”
From nationwide cell site roll-outs to significant investments in ICT, cybersecurity, and the Cloud, Globe has earnestly worked with the education sector, local government units, and businesses to build a nation that’s better equipped for a digital future. Amidst the challenges to attain such a feat, Globe carries on with its main goal—to connect all Filipinos to a world of possibilities.
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