Negotiation Techniques to Close the Deal Faster

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Negotiations can take a long time, especially when it comes to negotiations that have big implications and stakes. Both negotiators want to assure that they are getting the best possible outcome for their side, which can sometimes drag talks out much longer than anyone would prefer.

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However, there are negotiation training steps that you can take to make sure your talks remain more effective. Starting on fair terms, minimizing face-to-face interactions, and imposing a deadline are steps that can help you expedite your negotiations.

Focus on the First Five Minutes

The beginning of a negotiation is an important time for both negotiators; like other interactions, first impressions are essential when negotiating. The first five minutes should be where both sides evaluate the other team and get a sense of what the other side’s true intentions are.

To help keep the negotiations moving smoothly, it’s important to start on the right foot. Be amicable and courteous; if you can open your negotiating partner up early, then they might be more likely to listen to your arguments and be more open to hearing your side.

Start on Fair Terms

During your negotiation, one of the best ways to keep your relationship with the other team on good terms is to make sure both sides feel respected. Starting with a fair agreement can make it more possible that just a little negotiating needs to be involved.

Come to the table with an agreement that you feel is reasonably fair for both teams involved. If you keep fair terms in mind, even if some negotiation does occur, chances are you can come to an agreeable decision much quicker.

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Minimize Face-to-Face Interactions

One of the hardest parts about ongoing negotiations is the travel time that can come with the countless meetings. To get to your meetings, you may have to take a flight or sit in traffic; you may not realize it, but this “travel stress” can affect your mood, putting you in a negative headspace during the negotiation.

While there are some benefits to in-person negotiations, technology has made communications much easier. Nowadays, you aren’t stuck with the options of talking on the phone or being at an in-person meeting; there are plenty of web conferencing technologies that can help you bridge the gap without ever leaving the office.

Impose a Deadline

If you want to keep your negotiations effective in terms of time, set a deadline. While you may not prefer to make decisions with a ticking clock, it does help to have a deadline. Deadlines can motivate meaningful conversations and push both sides towards a decision that can benefit the involved participants.

Negotiations can be a long process, and while you don’t want to rush through your negotiations, you don’t exactly want them to drag on forever. The longer the negotiation takes, the more likely you are to lose focus and start making concessions that you wouldn’t have made at the beginning of the meeting. Keeping your negotiations more economic can help both sides reach an agreement that benefits the teams involved.



Specialists in the corporate business negotiation market, The Negotiation Experts offer instructive advice on their site via articles, Q&A’s, book reviews, case studies, and negotiating definition.

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