Regardless of the type of business you started, there is a universal marketing strategy that can help you build brand awareness. It’s guest blogging.

When used properly, guest blogging is a true business builder.
We’ll list 8 ways why this strategy works for startups:
1. Guest Blogging Is Practically a Link-Building Strategy
This is the main reason why business owners rely on guest blogging. They develop high-quality content for other sites, but those articles include links to their homepage or product pages.
The more links they get back to their site, the more potential they have to attract a larger audience. When you submit high-quality content to well-ranked websites, guest blogging is a good strategy that can help you attract traffic and rank better on Google’s results.
2. You Promote Your Business in Front of a Larger Audience
If you just started your business and built a website for it, it’s hard to get noticed. You can pay for advertising on social media, but that’s not enough when you still haven’t established brand awareness.
When you post your content at another website that already has massive audience, you get a chance to promote your business. You may mention your brand in the bio and leave a link, so everyone can visit your website if they are interested.
3. Guest Posts Can Be Part of Your Sales Funnel
Let’s say you’re trying to sell a beauty product. You’ll submit a guest post to a popular blog in that niche. Someone will see that post featured on social media and they will click the link. They will read the post. They will click the link you feature in the bio or throughout the text. They will read the content at your website. You’ll get their interest. They will go through the list of products. They will make a purchase.
Roberta Thompson, marketing advisor from a custom essay papers agency, explains: “The sales funnel may take many different forms. In general, guest posts fit well in it.”
4. The Bio Promotes You as a Business Owner
You’re not just trying to build brand awareness. As a new business owner, personal branding is also important. You want to present yourself as a new influencer in the niche.
The bio section under each blog post will serve that purpose. You get a chance to tell who you are and what you do.
5. You Make Connections
When you’re trying to get more connections, you write cold emails and you connect on LinkedIn. But it’s not easy to establish meaningful collaboration through that approach. Guest blogging might be better.
You’ll reach out with an offer to write a guest post or two for an influencer in your niche. From there on, it will be easier for you to make an offer. Maybe they would be interested to promote your products or services on social media? The guest posts already give them an initial idea of your business. That’s a good foundation to use when you suggest collaboration.
6. You Get Feedback from Successful Bloggers
Let’s clarify one thing: we’re talking about developing high-quality content and offering it to sites that rank well on Google. Also, these are sites with massive following on social media.
Judy Wilson, a blogger and beauty salon owner, explains: “When you collaborate with great bloggers, most of them will most likely request some improvements on your initial draft. You may rely on a cheap writing service to make the improvements, but I highly suggest you cover them yourself. That’s an opportunity for you to understand where you’re making mistakes. It’s free advice for improving your content marketing campaign.”
7. You Get More Followers on Social Media
Most blog owners will allow you to feature multiple links in the bio. That leaves space for a link to your website, but you may also include links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or other active social media pages. That’s a great way to attract more likes and follows.
8. You Show What You Know
When you write a guest post, you won’t be doing it as a direct marketing method. You may even mention your brand, but the link will have to serve a purpose: to inform the audience further. The main point is to write informative content that solves a problem.
This gets us to the final point: guest blogs help you to establish yourself as an expert in the niche.
Yes; guest blogging will take time and effort. Yes; maybe you’ll need to hire writers to write these posts while you’re taking care of other aspects of your startup. But the point is that, when done properly, guest blogging can yield great results. Why don’t you develop a strategy and see how it works?
Author bio:
Alexandra Reay is an editor and professional writer for She is also a professional content writer who prefers to do research on the following topics – self-improvement, technology innovations, global education development ets. Meet her at Twitter.