How to Make Vinegar from Coconut Water

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Vinegar production from coconut water. Coconut vinegar is made from fermented coconut water and is used extensively as a preservative and flavouring agent in pickles, salads, sauces and many other condiments. It is a healthier alternative to synthetic vinegar.

Here’s how to make vinegar from coconut water


3 liters coconut water
2-1/4 cups white sugar
1/4 tsp yeast
1 liter mother vinegar (starter)


1. Collect coconut water and strain through a clean cheesecloth.
2. Dissolve the sugar in coconut water.
3. Pasteurize the mixture for 20 minutes at 65oC.
4. Cool and transfer the mixture into sterilized gallons or containers.
5. Add yeast. Cover tightly and allow to ferment for 4-7 days.
6. Slowly decant the alcoholic mixture and heat further for 20 minutes at 65oC.
7. Add the starter and set aside undisturbed for a month or until maximum acidity is attained.

Mother Vinegar (starter)
The starter’s job is to provide acetic acid bacteria, which converts ethanol into acetic acid (the primary ingredient in vinegar).

Unpasteurized, unfiltered vinegar. It’s important to use vinegar that hasn’t been processed in a way that interferes with the acetic acid bacteria.

Mother of vinegar. This slimy looking thing consists of acetic acid bacteria and cellulose. It’s a natural product of the vinegar-making process. If you have a friend who makes vinegar, you may be able to get a piece of theirs, or you can make your own. You can make your own by mixing unpasteurized and unfiltered vinegar with an alcoholic liquid and putting the mixture in a sunny spot for two weeks, but in that case, you might as well use the vinegar itself as a starter; a mother will form with your vinegar that you use next time.

Mycoderma aceti. You may be able to find it in a wine-making store. It’s clear and comes in a jar.

Sources: ITDI (DOST),,


  1. There is a differrence in expermental science & applied science .in applied science we dispence with cooking the coco water …waste of time effort & energy we also dont use commercial yeast …..mother vinegar.the greatest fallacy!

  2. I do not add commercial bread yeast to the sugared cocowater what i do is to procure newly harvested tody(tuba) which actively froothing (that is live yeast in action into the solution.

  3. I do not add mother vinegar in making my in ferment of alcohol what i do is to scoop up the solution in transfering to the next vessel the act of incorporate air i am able to make vinrgar

    1. Hello ! I’m trying to make coconut water vinegar in Madagascar, can you give me your full recipe ? And the steps needed please ? Like do you need air during fermentation or not ?

  4. I have 5o drums (200 litters cap.) Of cocowater vinegar whichi use
    as a pilot plantto show budding entripenur that cocowater is commerciable .no need to paste urize cocowater…waste of time money and effort.

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