How to Make Chayote Catsup

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Chayote or sayote is an edible vine plant that bears a  green, pear-shaped fruit belonging to the gourd family, which includes melons and squash. It has lots of health benefits from vitamins A and C to dietary fiber and now, uric acid lowering effect to tested animals, according to researchers of Davao Medical School Foundation, Inc.

chayote catsup photo
Photo by wlcutler

To increase the marketability of chayote, and because it is often considered as one of those with the least commercial value, here’s an idea on how to make catsup out of chayote.

How to Make Chayote Catsup


sodium benzoate
salt sugar

1. Wash the chayote, slice lengthwise.
2. Peel, remove the seed and cut into cubes.
3. Boil in little water.
4. Drain, mash well.
5. Slice the onions, garlic, hot pepper.
6. Mix well in enough vinegar, sugar and a pinch of salt.
7. Cook until thick consistency is attained.
8. Dissolve a little food color if desired, in ½ cup of water; add a pinch of sodium benzoate.
9. Put in a bottle or jar; cook in a double boiler.

PCARRD Farmnews May 1987
Philippine Council for Health Research and Development-DOST, Sayote leaves lower uric acid level, say researchers. PCHRD-DOST. <>

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