How to Make Cassava Cake

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Cassava cake is a favorite Filipino dessert that is easy to make at home and can be a good additional source of income especially for work-at-home mothers or dads.

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Learn how to make cassava cake easily with this simple recipe and make money!

cassava cake

Cassava Butter Cake


1 3/4 cups cassava flour
1/4 cup powdered munggo
1 cup sugar
1 cup diluted milk
½ cup margarine
2 eggs
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp.vanilla


1. Sieve the cassava flour and baking powder together.
2. Cream margarine in a big bowl until fine.
3. Gradually add sugar with constant stirring.
4. Add alternately and little by little,
* beaten egg yolk
* cassava flour
* munggo flour
* baking powder and milk

5. Mix well, stirring in one direction only.
6. Beat the egg whites until fluffy and stiff, and;
7. Add little by little to the mixture
8. Put mixture in pan and cook in oven at 307°C for 25-30 minutes.
9. Remove from oven and cool. Serve.


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