Grow Your Ecommerce Store with a Virtual Assistant

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Online businesses have been all the talk with the advent of social media. With technological developments and fierce ecommerce competition, business owners have been encouraged to hire virtual assistants (VAs). Riding the tide of social media and online businesses, VAs have become in-demand in the line of ecommerce. 

Also known as virtual professionals, virtual assistants are self-employed subordinates who do administrative work as any secretary or assistant, but at home and online. Administrative work includes setting up and scheduling appointments, taking phone calls, managing email accounts, and any work the VA’s employer requires.

Why should you hire virtual assistants? 

As you may already know, running a business is not easy. As an ecommerce owner with countless errands but with only two hands, managing your online website while ensuring your business runs smoothly can be taxing. Not to mention, the competitive online market does not allow slacking and bare-minimum services.

If you intend to grow your business to a large company, the checklist for extensive quality and quantity assurance will never end. An extra pair or two professional hands will do you and your online business good. VAs can offer you these additional pairs to ensure customer satisfaction.

Virtual assistants make your customers happy.

They can keep your customers satisfied and happy, which is the sole goal and heart of any business. Customers would love to get their money’s worth. So, online stores like yours must step up their games to exceed their expectations. They must address the customers’ wishes and demands. 

A virtual assistant with fine customer service skills can assist shoppers through the screens with ease. Virtual professionals can answer the questions a potential buyer may ask in real-time and navigate them across the website for any suggestions. 

Discontented buyers with complaints may also be handled smartly by the VA. They can also manage any shipments and orders that are misplaced. A positive and speedy business reaction to a consumer insight will lead to customer loyalty and advocacy.  

What more can virtual assistants do for your online business? 

The tasks a virtual assistant will do vary on the employer’s needs and terms of the contract. Some VAs may be required to write and update social media posts. Some may design the website. It should go without saying that you should get a VA who can handle various tasks if you are planning to delegate different jobs to him/her or hire one with the specialized skill you are looking for if you are only delegating a specific task. 

Nonetheless, VAs are well-rounded individuals that can offer a lot of services. Here are six tasks you can assign to your virtual assistant: 

1. Photography and photo editing

Photos are powerful tools in the branding and marketing of your products. It pulls in customers, accompanied with trust and confidence. Consumers like to examine products up close by looking at them at different angles and zooming in. 

A VA who can handle professional photography that brings out professional images and knows how to abide by market photo rules will further improve your product presentation. Photo editors can also enhance the color and quality of photos, which would look more alluring to the audience. 

Refined photographs can better your buyers’ whole shopping experience. The photos would look more professional, attracting them into thinking that your product offers are trustworthy. 

2. Inventory Management 

The quality and popularity of products do not guarantee a significant profit. Maybe your business can already sustain a steady and climbing stand on the online market. But it would not mean anything if you do not gain any income. Overstocking products may result in a loss for your business. In seasons when products are in-demand, you also can’t have limited stocks. Otherwise, you will run out of items to market. 

An inventory manager monitors stocks to always be at optimum and balanced levels. A virtual assistant specializing in inventory management can update the number of still-available goods on your online store. A VA can also notify you when you need to re-stock any produce. 

3. Product Listing 

Like how professional photos entice buyers, the presentation and listing of products on your website also impact the audience’s reaction. A well-organized product list that is sightly to consumers allows for a better shopping experience and captivates site visitors. 

A virtual assistant can assist you in product organization. This includes a consistent update of available stocks and prices, upload of product titles and labels, and troubleshooting errors.  

4. Order Processing 

Virtual assistants can assist in processing your online store orders. They can note and compile order placements in the store. VAs can also manage shipments to guarantee that purchases will reach customers orderly and timely. 

5. Returns and Exchange Management 

Buyers are very particular to their needs and wants. Hence, returns and exchanges in an online store are inevitable. To ensure customer satisfaction, virtual assistants can email clients or send a message through other messaging platforms for any product return, exchange, or refund set-ups.

As to not disappoint any angry customers, you need smart and considerate virtual professionals with excellent communication skills. 

6. Website Development 

Since customers shop through their screens, you will need to virtually recreate the whole shopping experience. Graphic designs are a must for content marketing and visual feel. Graphic design engages more buyers, which constitutes higher sales. 

Virtual assistants who have the skills can design logos for the branding of your online store. They can create banners, headers, and flyers to add to your site’s visual appeal to advocate customer trust. 

Grow your business with a VA

Virtual assistants do a lot more than just remote administrative work. You can delegate specific tasks to them, such as taking photos, website development, and order processing. Since they work remotely, they can be available 24/7 digitally.

Professional virtual assistants are people you can run to when you need experts to better handle your online store. They boost customer satisfaction rates and improve the quality of services you offer.

It is also important to note that virtual assistants, although experienced, also need further instruction and training. They will need virtual training tips for upskilling to prevent any frustrations on your part because having an efficient virtual assistant helps with your workload and streamlines your day.

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