Whether you’re the CEO of a company or a junior employee just starting out on a graduate scheme, personal branding is massively important. Many people shy away from the idea of personal branding as they see it as a slight on their integrity. However, people should realize that it is in fact possible to maintain a personal brand and still be you.

personal branding

Yes, you might have to watch what you say on social media platforms, but the reality is you should probably be controlling what you put on the internet about yourself anyway! Lose the idea that you need to put a cold, corporate image on to maintain a personal brand, and embrace the opportunities it brings.

Here’s what you should be looking to do.

“Own” Yourself

This is the biggest part of personal branding, bar none. It is important that you own yourself and are you, and are consistent with it. Think about business branding. If there is no consistency, there is no brand identity, so no brand at all. It is very similar at the personal level.

Think about who you are.You might be a perfectionist, you might be someone who is aloof outside of the workplace, and you might be someone who is happy to discuss current affairs and the latest football results in your social media feed. Whoever you are, be you, and own it.

Create Leverage for Yourself

If you’re given a title like CEO, Junior Account Executive, or even Graduate Trainee, make sure you know exactly how to leverage your position as much as possible.

For example, Brett Lankester of ACPI Investments is regularly sought out by the media because he is the CEO of that particular company. If the media wanted a story about graduates in the financial sector, they might look for those titled Graduate Trainee instead.

Whatever you do, make sure you’re using platforms like social media to show everyone, and get the attention and rewards you really want.

Have a Strong Team behind You

If you have a strong team in your company, whether you manage the whole business or a department of five people, your personal brand can only benefit as a result. What does a strong team look like?

There isn’t a perfect formula, but individuals who are highly qualified and can help you to deliver your objectives should be at the top of any wish list. Loyalty is also something worth a lot, as you need to know your team will never let you down or sell you down the river if something goes wrong.

Establish Yourself as a Thought Leader

The cherry on top of the cake when it comes to personal branding is to establish yourself as a thought leader. This means you will then become a “go to” resource for others in your industry and your personal brand will be well established, giving you a lot of power to move forward and take advantages of the added opportunities that will come your way.

Featured images:
  • Personal Branding Tips For Finance Professionals 1 License: Creative Commons image source

Evelyn Paine is a business consultant who does a lot of work with executives around personal branding tips. She is also a passionate golfer and plays of a handicap of three. Evelyn lives in Florida with her husband.

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