What are the Different Types of Personal Injury Damages?

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When you are involved in a personal injury suit, you should always consult a good lawyer in the field to know your rights and what your legal options are. It is prudent to consult your lawyer for everything you do as the insurance company of the other party will contact you soon after the accident.

Once you contact a good lawyer, the litigation process starts, and this is when the case starts. You will get a trial date for the personal injury suit, and it might take as long as a year however you should not be disappointed as good attorneys in the field of personal injury will be at your side. The lawyers will support you through the whole trial, and the professionals will arrange and organize everything before the first trial date.


The lawsuit is served to the defendant, and he/she has to respond within a specified time period. Once the defendant has responded, the lawyer will evaluate the answer and the process of litigation starts. The next stage of the trial is called discovery. This is the legal process where all the required evidence is collected for the case. Here, the lawyers will ask for the medical documentation of the case and evaluate the records of the police. The lawyers will also request the other party for official documents and other memos, safety manuals, etc. to study them. The lawyers will interview all the potential witnesses of your case and gather information from them.


This is the next process that follows suit after discovery. A meeting is scheduled with the other party to check whether the personal injury suit can be redressed without going to a court of law. This process is actually a voluntary one where both the parties meet each other and agree to a common resolution. Legal experts state several cases are resolved at the mediation levels and in case you are not happy with the offers given to you, the case goes to court.

How long does the trial last?

The duration of the trials depends upon the specific facts of the case, and it can last from a few weeks to months. There are some personal injury cases like car wrecks that take around 2 to 5 days to get settled. Note that if the case is complex, it will take a longer time for settlement.Legal experts say that when it comes to personal injury cases, you need the services of compassionate and dedicated professionals to help you. This is why you should always contact professionals of reliable personal injury firms in the region. Make sure the company has proven track records to provide you with the support and the help you need for a hassle-free case. Some legal firms provide you with free consultation sessions. Here, you can sit with the lawyer and discuss the prospects of your case in detail. Experts from esteemed legal firm say that you have to be educated and aware of the laws of your state when you embark on a personal injury litigation suit. Visit www.hersheyinjurylaw.com/personal-injury-attorney-los-angeles for more information.

Know the types of damages you are entitled to

The amount of damage that you receive for personal injury cases depends upon case to case. In case the compensation or damages are less or deficient, the court of law will review the litigation once more and for the above, you do not have to file for a new trial. The court awards two kinds of damages in a personal injury case- they are compensatory and punitive damages.

What do you mean by compensatory damages?

Compensatory damages refer to the dollar amount of the injuries that the victim suffers from. These damages have the objective to restore the condition of the victim emotionally, physically and financially. Compensatory damages are again divided into two segments- they are monetary losses or special damages and general damages that cover victims for losses that are non-monetary in nature.

Monetary losses

The monetary losses cover medical costs both past and future. It also includes the expenses for rehabilitation. The future monetary costs are calculated based on the life span expectancy and the amount of medical treatment that the victim needs in the future. They cover-

Living with disabilities- The accident may result in living with a disability where the victim has to alter his/her lifestyle. Here the compensatory damages that are awarded by the courts of law will cover all the costs that are associated with the sudden change. For instance, the compensatory damages may be awarded to the victim to renovate the home in such a way that it is wheelchair accessible for the victim of the accident.

Lost wages and repair/replacement of property

Lost wages are covered under compensatory damages as well as repair and replacement of property if the accident has caused damaged to it.

Funeral costs

If the accident has cost the life of a person, the compensatory damages can cover funeral costs too.

Punitive damages

Punitive damages are created with the objective to punish the person inflicting injury on the victim so that it deters others from following such behavior. The action must have been very outrageous and egregious for the court to award punitive damages in the case. Note that this damage is not issued in all cases but in exceptional cases where the injury is huge.

Therefore, from the above, it is evident that personal injury suits in court look into every detail of the case before the jury decides on the verdict. The laws for personal injury differ from state to state so if you or a loved one is involved in an accident due to negligence or recklessness, it is prudent to immediately contact a good personal injury lawyer and know what your legal rights and options are. Speak to professionals who are skilled and give you a free consultation so that you are aware of your legal rights and can take the right action with success!

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