As a Philhealth member, you can avail a variety of comprehensive health care services -from basic primary care to catastrophic packages. You can be a Philhealth member if you belong to:
1) Formal economy
Includes those with formal contracts and fixed terms of employment including workers in the government and private sector
Philhealth member registration procedures for formal sector
For Newly Hired And Existing Employees Without PIN Yet
- Fill out two (2) copies of the PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF)
- Submit PMRF to the HR Department of employer
- Await Member Data Record and PhilHealth ID card from employer
For Newly Hired Employees With PIN
- Report your PIN to your employer for them to indicate the same in their ER2
Premium Requirements
- Premium contributions are shared by the employee and the employer, the amount of which is determined using the table of contributions. After deducting half of the premium requirement from your monthly salary, total premiums are remitted by your employer to PhilHealth.
2) Informal economy
Ranging from the self-earning individual to migrant workers
Philhealth member registration procedures for informal economy
- Visit any of the Local Health Insurance Offices or PhilHealth Express outlets nationwide.
- Fill out (2) copies of thePhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF)
- Submit PMRF to the LHIO or PhilHealth Express
- Await Member Data Record (MDR) and PhilHealth ID Card
- Pay the necessary premium contribution using your PhilHealth ID number
Premium Requirements
- Individually Paying Members (IPMs) earning an average monthly income of P25,000 and below pay P200 monthly or P2,400 per year, while those earning above P25,000 pay P300 monthly or P3,600 per year. Premium contributions may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually.
- Schedule of payment:
Month: January
Deadline: January 31 Pay until the last working day of the quarter being paid for. Example:
Period: January to March
Deadline: March 31 Pay until the last working day of the first quarter of the semester being paid for. Example:
Period: January to June
Deadline: March 31 Pay until the last working day of the first quarter of the year being paid for. Example:
Period: January to December
Deadline: March 31
3) Indigents
Those who have no visible means of income, or whose income is insufficient for family subsistence, as identified by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), based on specific criteria.
4) Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)
How to register for membership
- I. If currently in the Philippines, visit the nearest PhilHealth Regional Office, Local Health Insurance Office, PhilHealth Business Center or PhilHealth Express outlet in your locality. (Check location here)
- II. If currently overseas,
a. Visit any branch of our accredited collecting partners iRemit and Ventaja Corporation (Check location here)
b. Access the Electronic Registration facility and follow the step-by-step procedure
c. Download the PhilHealth Member Registration Form,
fill it out and email to ofp@philhealth.gov.ph
Premium contribution rate
The annual premium contribution of land-based Overseas Filipinos is based on the amount prescribed by the Corporation. The minimum current rate is P2,400.00 per year. This can be paid in advance for two years to five years, or depending on the duration of the employment contract with the overseas employer.
For seafarers, the premium contribution rate is salary-based following the premium schedule for the Formal Economy.
5) Senior citizens
Registration Procedures
There are two options to enroll as a Senior Citizen member of PhilHealth.
1. Through Office for the Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA)
- Fill out two (2) copies of the PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF);
- Submit duly accomplished PMRF to the OSCA in the city or municipality where the elderly resides
- Await Member Data Record and Identification card issued by PhilHealth through OSCA
2. Through PhilHealth Local Health Insurance Office (LHIO)
- Fill out two (2) copies of the PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF);
- Attach 1 x 1 photo taken within the last six months;
- Present Senior Citizens’ Identification Card issued by the OSCA in the city or municipality where the elderly resides or a valid government issued ID.
- Submit duly accomplished PMRF
- Await Member Data Record and PhilHealth Identification Card
Premium Contributions
The premium contributions of those who will be enrolled under the Senior Citizen category shall be sourced from the proceeds of Republic Act No. 10351, commonly known as the Sin Tax Law.
6) Lifetime members
Registration Procedures
1. Fill-out two (2) copies of the PhilHealth Member Registration Form
2. Submit PMRF to the nearest LHIO together with the following documents:
- Two (2) 1×1 latest ID picture,
- Two valid IDs; and
- Any of the following documents:
- For SSS pensioners
- Photocopy of Death, Disability and Retirement (DDR) indicating the date of retirement and effectivity date of pension
- Photocopy of the Retiree/Pensioner Certification indicating the effectivity date of retirement
- For GSIS pensioners
- Photocopy of Certification/Letter of Approval of Retirement indicating the effectivity date of retirement
- Photocopy of Service Record issued by the employer showing rendered services of not less than 120 months
- Photocopy of Certification/Retirement Gratuity from the employer indicating services of not less than 120 months
- Photocopy of retirement voucher issued by GSIS
- For Uniformed personnel of AFP, PNP, BJMP and BFP
- Photocopy of General/Special or Bureau Order indicating effectivity date of retirement
- Photocopy of Certification/Letter of Approval of Retirement from the GSIS indicating services of not less than 120 months
- Photocopy of Statement of Services issued by previous employer showing service of not less than 120 months
- GSIS Disability Pensioner / SSS Permanent Total Disability Pensioner before March 4, 1995
- Photocopy of Death, Disability and Retirement (DDR) indicating the date of retirement and effectivity date of pension
- Photocopy of Disability Pensioner Certification issued by SSS/GSIS indicating effectivity date of pension or the period of coverage for disabled pensioner.
- SSS Survivorship Pensioner before March 4, 1995
- Photocopy of Death, Disability and Retirement indicating the type of survivorship in nature and the effectivity date of pension
- Photocopy of Survivorship Pensioner Certification indicating the effectivity date of pension
- Other individuals who are not under the abovementioned categories
- Photocopy of official receipts of premium payments to PhilHealth
- Any other documents indicating the months of premium payments to PhilHealth
- For SSS pensioners
3. Await Member Data Record (MDR) and PhilHealth ID Card
7) Sponsored members
This includes members whose contributions are being paid for by another individual, government agencies, or private entities.