SEO Specialists

Each digital worker has their own tasks. Take, for example, an SEO specialist. They sit at the computer for days: analyze competitors, improve websites, improve indicators. And all so that the work is done 100%, and the client is satisfied.

Do you think this applies to all specialists? Of course not. Not everyone who works in the field of website promotion approaches their work responsibly. Unfortunately. But such SEO specialists do not have clients for long. If an optimizer does not do his job fully, regularly misses deadlines or works without results, he will not see grateful customers and financial growth. So a good SEO specialist is a real find for business owners. An SEO optimizer helps them promote a website, generate sales and thereby increase profits.

This is the topic of our article today. A good SEO specialist. What should an SEO specialist be able to do? What are his main responsibilities in the company? How much can an SEO optimizer earn and where can he find a job?

A little bit of everything.

Pros and Cons of Being an SEO Specialist 

As in any job, there are both pros and cons in the SEO specialist’s job. Although the former still prevail. Let’s consider the advantages:

  • flexible schedule – a private SEO specialist can work remotely from anywhere in the world, creating a convenient schedule for himself;
  • high income – it is difficult to name exact figures here. Everything depends on the employee’s competence. It is logical that if you work as a junior specialist at the first stages, you will earn less than an experienced employee;
  • demand – of course, many customers use SEO promotion. Everyone dreams of getting to the top of search results to attract new customers, which means they are interested in a smart SEO manager;
  • self-development – this area, like any digital profession, is changing rapidly. You always need to follow changes, trends, although for some this may move into the minus column;
  • quick learning – it is possible to become a SEO specialist in a year or a year and a half if you take this matter seriously and responsibly.

But there are some downsides to the SEO optimizer profession. For example, it is highly competitive. The profession is in demand, so the struggle for orders among newcomers is high, it can be difficult at first. 

It is worth considering that the work of an SEO optimizer is sedentary, it involves spending a lot of time at the computer. It is necessary to take measures so that this does not negatively affect health.

Also, a website promotion specialist has a high responsibility, although this can be said about most highly paid jobs. You need to take your responsibilities seriously so as not to spoil the rating and reputation of the web resource. 

How popular is the SEO profession?

Today, this profession is quite popular, although it requires a lot of effort, training and time. But it is difficult to talk about exact data or make assumptions about whether the work of a website promotion specialist will be in demand in 5 years. Many believed that the end of this industry would come several years ago, but we are seeing the opposite.

Most likely, it is not the profession itself that will die out, but some tools or work options. Something disappears, something new comes to replace it, and SEO developers adapt to it.

The best way to put it is this: as long as websites and search engines exist, the SEO profession will also live, although perhaps not in the same form as it is now.

What should an SEO specialist know?

An optimizer first needs to understand the principles of search robots: how they check websites, what criteria they use to build a rating in search results. All this is directly related to the internal and external optimization of the resource. This is exactly what an SEO specialist does. In order for a website to be successfully ranked and raised in search results, an optimizer works out its internal structure, content, fills pages with keys, deals with brand citation and mentions of it.

What specific knowledge is it desirable for an SEO specialist to have? Basically, it is:

  • ability to work with different admin panels;
  • basic HTML skills;
  • understanding of PS algorithms, collection of the semantic core and its processing;
  • knowledge of the basics of marketing and online advertising;
  • literacy for checking text materials.

As practice shows, it is not at all necessary that a cool SEO specialist will have all this knowledge. An SEO specialist is not a developer, and he does not have to be perfectly versed in the technical part. He is also not a designer, so prototyping is not part of his responsibilities. An optimizer also does not configurecontextual advertising.

It is necessary to know the basic points, but at the same time you cannot demand that an SEO specialist perform the work of other specialists. Everyone has their own tasks, and website optimization is already the direct concern of an SEO department employee.

What should an SEO specialist be able to do?

It is enough to visit any job site, find an advert for an SEO specialist, and there will most likely be a full list of requirements. Usually employers indicate the following skills:

  • collection of the semantic core with its clustering;
  • preparation of metadata and technical specifications for writing content;
  • conducting website audits;
  • competitor analysis;
  • working with link exchanges and understanding the principles of external optimization;
  • work with GA, GTM, Search Console;
  • ability to use AllPositions or similar services, Key Collector; Screaming Frog, Seo Spider and similar.

Some also indicate that it is mandatory for an SEO specialist to have experience in the subject matter of the projects that the employer is working on.

Responsibilities of an SEO specialist in a company

We have briefly reviewed the main things that an SEO specialist should be able to do. Now let’s learn in more detail about each of his job responsibilities in the standard position of an SEO specialist:

  • Thorough analysis of the site . It is necessary for an SEO optimizer to conduct an audit, because the presence of technical errors, sanctions from search engines can nullify all further work on promotion. The professionalism of an SEO specialist largely depends on his analytical skills.
  • Development of the semantic core . Relevant queries are one of the primary stages of website promotion in search engines. The semantic core is the basis for subsequent promotion.
  • Internal website optimization . Involves a large pool of work on improving technical indicators, filling the resource with content, accelerating page loading, etc.
  • External website optimization . Attracting traffic through link building remains an important ranking factor. An SEO specialist places external links on third-party reliable sites: media, forums, thematic sites, etc.
  • Reporting . An SEO specialist compiles reports on the site’s positions in various search engines, its places in the search results, sources of visitor acquisition, user behavior on the site, conversion rates, etc.
  • Performance control . The optimizer regularly evaluates the current state of the site and the results of completed SEO tasks. If necessary, makes adjustments to the strategy to achieve the highest possible indicators.

When working in the staff, the SEO specialist can also take on the role of a manager. For example, assign tasks to copywriters to write texts. The specific job responsibilities of the SEO specialist will already be discussed directly during the interview.

Types of SEO Optimizers

Different methods are used to promote websites. Taking this into account, we can also distinguish several types of SEO specialists and approaches to work:

  • “White” . They are engaged in honest website promotion according to all SEO canons. During “white” optimization, the semantic core is created, the structure is worked out, an audit is performed, technical files are compiled, etc. With this approach, you should not expect quick results, but you can count on a high-quality and sustainable effect from website promotion.
  • “Gray” . They use a strategy that allows for minor violations, due to which the site may fall under sanctions. But if everything is done correctly and carefully, the probability of blocking will be small. During optimization, minor spam, paid links, doorways can be used. Although the method of website promotion is relatively safe, it is better not to risk the client’s web resource. If something goes wrong, the customer is unlikely to be satisfied with the SEO work.
  • “Black” . This method is used by unscrupulous specialists who want to show the client quick and cool results. But in the end, you have to pay with harsh sanctions from search engines. “Black” SEO involves the use of invisible text with keys, placing hidden interlinks on the site, open spam, cheating search suggestions and behavioral factors. This may also include uncontrolled link building and cloaking. The latter is deceiving search engines by creating 2 different models of site pages. One is seen by the user, and the other with spam is shown to the robot.

The safest promotion strategy remains “white” SEO. You can also use “gray” optimization methods a little, but ideally you should abandon them.

How much do SEO specialists earn?

It is difficult to name specific figures “from and to”. The salary will depend on the level of the specialist, the place of his employment, the country. It is logical that SEO specialists receive several times more abroad. But for now we will consider the current situation on the Ukrainian labor market and understand the salary gradation depending on the optimizer’s level:

  • SEO Newbie . A newbie trainee who may have zero experience in SEO. The main thing is a serious desire to master the field. The salary at this level starts from $300. A beginner SEO needs to know the basics: what is website promotion, what semantics are needed for, etc. Basically, newbies are “tied” to an experienced optimizer who teaches all the basics of the work.
  • Junior SEO Specialist . A junior SEO specialist usually has at least six months of experience and feels comfortable performing key optimization tasks. The salary increases by approximately $100-200. The SEO specialist’s work includes auditing, internal website optimization, interlinking, etc.
  • Middle SEO Specialist . Can earn from $700 + bonuses. An SEO specialist of this level is assigned more complex projects and tasks: bringing pages to the top of search results for keywords, increasing search traffic to the site, comprehensive audit of competitors, developing long-term promotion strategies, setting tasks for copywriters, etc.
  • SEO Team Lead . The income for this position is from $1,000 excluding bonuses. The SEO specialist is required to create comprehensive website promotion strategies, conduct experiments, and monetize resources to improve clickability.
  • Senior SEO Specialist . A senior optimizer must perform all optimization tasks, predict results, and be responsible for achieving them. An SEO specialist can also scale successful tactics, conduct a global audit of the niche and market. For this, he is paid more than $ 1,500.
  • Head of SEO . The highest level of SEO specialist in the company, who has enough practical skills, honed global thinking. He is responsible for employees in the SEO department and all set key performance indicators. Salary starts from $2,000.

Income levels may vary depending on the projects. But in general the situation is roughly as follows.

How to become an SEO specialist and get a job?

Despite the many vacancies in this area, no educational institution currently offers SEO training. You can obtain the necessary knowledge and skills in the following ways:

  • independently study literature, thematic blogs on optimization, video materials that are freely available;
  • attend master classes of optimizers;
  • consult on forums and arrange personal meetings with professionals;
  • sign up for courses organized by different studios;
  • complete an internship at an agency as an assistant SEO optimizer.

The last option is probably the most promising. You will get practical experience in optimization, will be able to learn the “kitchen” from the inside and even stay in the company as a junior specialist. Of course, for a while, until you grow to a higher level.


With a clear understanding of who an SEO specialist is, what he should know and be able to do, you can begin your first steps in this direction. A competent optimizer is worth his weight in gold, and cool agencies constantly need such employees. If you pump up well in the SEO field, the doors of many companies will open for you. Consequently, and paths to high income. Working with the best SEO company can provide valuable insights and guidance, helping you sharpen your skills and achieve success in this competitive industry.

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