Breast Cancer Care

Red light therapy (RLT) uses red and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths of light to treat various conditions. For example, RLT has been used to treat musculoskeletal disorders, psoriasis, inflammation, wound healing, and muscle recovery to name a few. 

To some extent, researchers have also found evidence that RLT may reduce some side effects of cancer treatment, such as oral mucositis, radiation dermatitis, and lymphedema. 

With such wide applications, can we use red light therapy for breast cancer? And is red light therapy safe for breast cancer patients? 

This article explores ongoing research and limitations of RLT and its future in breast cancer care. 

Breast Cancer: Current Treatment Landscape 

Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women worldwide. However, successfully treating cancer and survival depends upon early diagnosis, screening methods, and any advancements in treatments. 

The conventional modalities of treating breast cancer for early stage and locally advanced are described below. 

The care plan for breast cancer includes treatment for symptoms and side effects arising due to cancer. 

  • Surgery 
  • Radiation therapy (RT) 
  • Chemotherapy (CT) 
  • Endocrine therapy (ET) or Hormonal therapy 
  • Targeted therapy 
  • Immunotherapy (Biological therapy) 
  • Neoadjuvant systemic therapy for non-metastatic breast cancer 

Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Except for surgery, the rest are all non-surgical breast cancer treatments. Most of these don’t just target the cancer tumor but also affect healthy cells and can cause several side effects, such as: 

  • Loss of appetite 
  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Weakness and fatigue 
  • Mouth sores or dry mouth 
  • Taste changes from cancer or chemo treatments 
  • Hair loss 
  • Weight gain 
  • Early menopause 
  • Bleeding 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Higher risks of infection 

We will see ahead how medications and other therapies like red light therapy for cancer treatment can address these effects and ease the side effects. 

Red Light Therapy in Breast Cancer Care 

Red-light therapy has already found its place in general medicine for more than 40 years. Its applications have already been seen in dermatology, physiotherapy, neurology, and dentistry. 

Different clinical trials have investigated the use of red light therapy for a variety of side effects related to breast cancer treatment. The side effects red light therapy may help to soothe include:  

  • Breast cancer-related lymphedema  
  • Oral mucositis 
  • Radiodermatitis  
  • Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy  
  • Osteonecrosis of the jaw 

Current recommendations suggest that the therapy should be carefully considered and must avoid cancerous areas. 

Other Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Moreover, studies also suggest that red light therapy may help with: 

  • Wound healing and tissue repair 
  • Relieve pain and inflammation 
  • Reduce psoriasis  
  • Treat carpal tunnel syndrome 
  • Reduce myopia progression 
  • Reduce neuropathic pain 
  • Improve skin, build collagen, and diminish wrinkles 

Studies have shown that red light therapy can become a new supportive care treatment for breast cancer patients but not as a whole treatment alternative. 

Thus, red-light therapy for cancer treatment should not be considered a standalone treatment; however, it may be used in conjunction with traditional treatments to reduce side effects and improve quality of life. 

Current Research on RLT and Breast Cancer 

The ongoing research on Red Light therapy for breast cancer is limited. 

However, there are studies of photobiomodulation (an all-encompassing term for red-light therapy) and cancer that suggest red light may actually increase the growth of cancer cells. 

Whereas another research has concluded that PBM may be contraindicated in clinical use in patients with cancer. 

Photobiomodulation uses wavelengths of visible and NIR light between 600nm-1000nm. A study found that the wavelength that’s used affects penetration depth. Therefore, for treating the skin, red light wavelengths suffice, while deeper muscle issues would require near infrared light. 

Here’s an overview of penetration depth by wavelength: 

  • Below 600nm: Photons at these wavelengths have minimal penetration depth and are absorbed by the epidermis, the outermost layer of your skin.
  • 660-750nm: This range, which is considered classic red light therapy, reaches the dermis, the middle layer of your skin. This is where it can stimulate collagen production and potentially aid in wound healing.
  • 750-1000nm (NIR): Near-infrared wavelengths penetrate deeper into your skin and tissues, reaching some muscle. This deeper penetration has potential benefits for circulation and reducing inflammation.

Safety Considerations and Limitations of RLT 

One must consider the safety parameters when using red light therapy for breast cancer treatment. Some of them are: 

  1. Consult a doctor or GP 
  2. Check device efficacy 
  3. Follow instructions 
  4. Perform under supervision 
  5. Avoid using it if breastfeeding, pregnant, or have skin cancer 

Red light therapy is considered safe as it does not expose any side effects. The therapy is not toxic and non-invasive. The safest way to use red-light therapy is under the guidance of a healthcare professional and as directed by the equipment manufacturers. 

Misconceptions About Red Light Therapy

A few of the misconceptions associated with red light therapy are listed below. However, none stand to be accurate or appear as they seem:

  • Red light therapy is not backed by science. (Actually, it is. RLT was originally discovered by NASA.) 
  • The more, the better. (Wrong. Getting the correct dose should be the aim, and you can overdo it.) 
  • All light is equal (Wrong. Different wavelengths offer different benefits, and red and near infrared wavelengths show the most promise for health.) 
  • A costlier device means better results (False. This isn’t always true.) 
  • It’s OK to look straight into the LEDs during the session. (Wrong. Wear protective eyewear.) 

This is why we recommend you to thoroughly research and ask your GP for any clarifications. 

The Future of RLT in Breast Cancer Care 

Red light therapy has shown substantial benefits when considered an add-on therapy alongside conventional treatments. 

It has shown beneficial effects for cancer patients by increasing quality of life, improving the efficacy of ongoing treatment, and indirectly preventing cancer progression. 

RLT has demonstrated its ability to combat and alleviate the side effects of some cancer therapies. 

Quicker healing and muscle and tissue repair make the body more resilient towards medication and surgery. 

This is a promising time for the healthcare community and cancer patients as researchers are trying to find more applications of RLT on other cancer types. 

Constant efforts are also made in the direction not to limit the light therapy for the treating side effects arising from cancer, but rather apply Light therapy directly to the tumor. 

Wrapping Up 

Red light therapy is one of the most sought-after treatments in the cancer community. 

When topped up with the conventional modality, red light therapy has shown proven benefits for breast cancer patients in treating side effects. 

We hope this article helps you understand red light therapy’s role in breast cancer care.  

If you have cancer, we urge you to talk with your doctor regarding light therapy and if it’s a good fit for your unique situation.

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