What to Know About Business Studies Courses

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To be a successful manager means to gain new experience continuously and to be able to apply this knowledge in practice. Business education helps to solve these problems. It is very popular today both in the whole world and in our country. In this article, Pro-Papers will talk about the features, pros and cons of popular programs and business training formats.

There are four business-learning formats in the world today:

  1. Classical university education in management degree. It is based on serious academic studies, but almost does not provide practical skills.
  2. Refresher courses. They are aimed at deepening of knowledge in a particular area.
  3. Professional retraining programs. They are characterized by a less formal approach than classical higher education, and are focused on gaining practical experience.
  4. MBA programs are the most prestigious and most popular education format in the world today. The purpose of such training is to bring managers to a new level, to learn how to solve practical problems in any area of ??business with the help of the strategic thinking.

As for the territorial location of educational institutions in the field of management and business, modern technologies allow getting a business education in leading universities from anywhere in the world. Distance MBA learning is one of the most popular business education programs. Some schools may offer tuition discounts as well as flexible payment terms. When choosing a university, one should take into account the experience of the institution, its reputation, the relevance of educational programs and the availability of licenses and accreditations.

Additional business education received in Europe is in demand all around the world.

According to statistics, up to 90% of business schools students in the Old World are citizens of other countries. It was in Europe (in France) that nearly 200 years ago — in 1819 — the first educational institution was opened, which was specialized in the teaching of commercial subjects. As a matter of fact, MBA programs are practiced in Europe relatively recently when compared with the United States. Despite this, European universities are not inferior to American ones in terms of the quality of training professional managers and, along with them, occupy the top lines in the world’s leading rankings.

European business education programs vary in duration and content. In addition to the standard two-year MBA format, you can choose short-term courses of individual disciplines. Distance learning is gaining popularity. A convenient feature of the European business education system is the absence of strict deadlines for submitting documents. In most educational institutions, admission is conducted throughout the first half of the year.

It is believed that the best business education can be obtained in America.

The USA is the center of origin and development of the MBA system. The Master of Business Administration degree, so prestigious today, was first given to graduates of Dartmouth College in 1901. The United States is the center of cutting-edge business management development. Not surprisingly, the American MBA degree is highly valued by employers around the world and gives the graduate every right to rely on an international career.

In the US, there are more than 1,200 educational institutions offering business-training services. These are universities, colleges and private schools. Programs are focused on a wide range of students: university students who want to continue their studies; persons who already have a higher education and are seeking additional knowledge; executives with experience aimed at professional and career growth. About 35% of students in US business schools are foreigners.

To enter the American business school, you will need: a TOEFL or IELTS certificate (for foreigners); confirmation of higher education and / or management experience; recommendations from places of work and study; motivation letter; an essay on a given topic; passing the GMAT entrance test. Among the educational institutions of the United States, the first places in the rankings are occupied by business schools at Stanford, Harvard and Pennsylvania universities. The cost of a two-year MBA program in them is about $170,000–180,000.

The programs of business education in the United States are diverse: from the classical MBA to business training courses. Pro-Papers will consider the most popular form of education in the world.

MBA (Master of Business Administration) – the name of the program and the degree awarded after its successful completion. It is aimed at training professional managers who are able to manage the company in any field of activity, to quickly and effectively solve business problems of any complexity.

The MBA learning process is focused not on theory, but on practice.

It is based on the analysis of real situations – cases. Training is conducted online: most of the time, students work independently. This explains the main value of the MBA program: incomparable experience in the practical application of managerial tools.

Students of the program receive in-depth knowledge in all areas of management – economics, finance, enterprise management, marketing, sales or other areas. MBA graduates have experience in solving such tasks as: successful positioning of the company; sales optimization; effective personnel management; crisis management; business process analysis, etc. The duration of the classic MBA program is 1.5-2 years.

Business schools offer various forms of MBA education. There are three main options:

Full-time – classes are held throughout the day. On average, the program consists of 5-6 modules with two weeks duration of each. The final block is the performing of the graduation project.

Part-time is an analogue of evening education. Students attend classes several times a week at the end of the working day.

Distant – extramural course. Distance business education is optimal for those who do not have the opportunity to sacrifice working time.

In conclusion, we note that the need for additional business education for a successful career of manager can no longer be doubted. Holders of an MBA degree are highly valued in the labor market, their chances of growing incomes and career advancement are very high.

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