9 Things To Consider Before Starting Your Own Poultry Farm

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Running your own business, big or small, can be a lot of fun and very rewarding. For some, the path has led them to poultry farming. Owning a poultry farm can be a lot of hard work, but it can also be very satisfying. Poultry farming has proven already that it can be very lucrative. If you have the appropriate space and the knowledge, starting a small poultry farm could be a great source of income for your family.

Poultry farming is a broad term that basically means you raise different types of domestic birds for the purpose of selling the meat commercially. As a poultry farmer, you may also sell the eggs and feathers the birds produce. For those who are new to poultry farming, there is a lot to know and learn about raising chickens. Chickens are popular poultry farming birds because they offer a good source of animal protein beyond pork, beef and fish. Chickens are already integral to human life.

Beginners Guide To Starting A Poultry Farm

In order to make a good amount of profit, each type of farming business needs to follow specific operational principles. Before you begin your poultry farm, it is essential to learn more about the business. To be successful, you have to understand there is a lot of hard work involved with farm work in QLD. Below are some of the top things you need to consider before getting started with your poultry farm.

1. Investment- Getting Your Poultry Farm Started

A poultry farm can be easy and hard at the same time. As with any business, getting started will require an initial investment. If you already have money set aside, you will be ready to begin. If not, you will need to apply for a loan at your local credit union or bank. Some lenders offer specific loans for starting a new poultry farming business. Getting started shouldn’t cost a lot of money if you plan accordingly.

2. Type of Production

Before you start buying anything to get your farm started, it is important to determine the type of poultry farm you want. For example, raising broiler chickens can be great for meat production and producing eggs to sell. Think about your target market before you choose what type of poultry products you want to sell the most.

3. Select Farm Location

The location you choose to run your farm is crucial for success. The location you choose needs to have everything needed to run your business. Some people decide to run their chicken farm on their own property. This can be great because it cuts down on your initial investment costs and allows you to keep a constant eye over your farm. If you set up your farm too far from where you live, it may be difficult to find the time to keep up with everything. Additionally, avoid setting up your farm in residential areas. Poultry farms can create a lot of offensive odors that your neighbors may not approve of.

4. Construct Your Farm Facilities

Once you have the location picked out, you will need to construct a solid house and grazing area for your birds. There are three basic types of poultry housing systems you can choose from. Intensive, extensive and semi-intensive. If you are running a poultry farm for commercial production, the most convenient option is an intensive system because it allows you to raise your birds in a cage system or on the floor. If you chose broiler poultry, they will need just under three square feet of space each. Do not forget that your birds will also need the proper lighting and ventilation in their housing.

5. Gather Necessary Equipment

There’s a lot of necessary equipment you will need to purchase in order to run your poultry farm effectively. Below are some of the most common pieces of equipment you will need to get started:






•Egg Trays


•Lighting Instruments



•Heaters or Brooders

•Waste Disposal System

•Ventilation System

6. Farm Hands

Depending on how big of a poultry farm you want to run, you will most likely need to hire some people to help run it. When you are first starting out, you will most likely have a small number of birds that you can manage by yourself very easily. As time goes on, you can determine whether or not you will need help as you grow your business. Before you decide to grow your business, ensure there is cheap labor available near your farming area that will make growth possible.

7. Purchase Chickens

Your next step in setting up your poultry farm is to buy your chickens. Be sure you choose a trusted breeder to buy your chicks from. As a new poultry farmer, it is best to start with day-old chickens instead of older chickens. For those with no experience in raising chickens, it is best to start with a small number and work your way up.

8. Learning To Feed Your Chickens And Care For Them

You will not be able to make money if you can’t properly feed your chickens to create good meat or usable eggs to sell. Most of your farming expenses will go towards feeding your chickens. Most feed stores will offer poultry feed for the type of chicken you are raising. You will also need to ensure your chickens stay free of any diseases. Poultry birds are more prone to diseases and you need to be prepared for a possible outbreak. Keep your birds vaccinated and always keep fresh food and water in their housing.

9. Marketing

No matter how good a business is, it cannot be successful unless it is marketed properly. Experts recommend finding marketing opportunities before you begin your business. Your business cannot be profitable if you are not able to market your poultry and create an income. If you find you’re able to sell your poultry products easily, you will be able to grow your business quickly.


  1. Good day
    please help I need to start a poultry farm please assist me where do I start I do have capital even if is not enough .
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    082 549 5959

  2. Hello,

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    You can visit and register with the company website here www virtatrade com to raise the fund you need now to start up your poultry farm business now.

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