Wood Handicraft and Furniture Maker and Exporter Adopts Furnace Type Lumber Dryer and Briquetting Technologies

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The RM Tree Woodworx, producer and exporter of wood handicrafts and furniture in Pindangan, Alcala, Pangasinan adopted the furnace type lumber dryer technology developed by the Forest Products Research and Development Institute (FPRDI) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST).Engr. Reynaldo Mencias, owner of The RM Tree Woodworx, said that they will also use the carbonizer and briquettor technologies to convert the wood wastes in the plant into charcoal briquettes.

briquetting technologies

The FPRDI and DOST Region I conducted the test run of a 3,000 board feet capacity furnace type lumber dryer at the RM Tree Woodworx recently. The company financed the construction of the dryer while the FPRDI provided the technical assistance and experts. FPRDI will also monitor the effectiveness and utilization of the dryer.

FPRDI experts mentioned that the use of furnace type lumber dryer is to reduce the moisture content of the wood products to a stable level. Drying is an important component in the export of woodcraft since these products are exported in various humid countries.

Ms. Felicidad Tan, Head of the Pangasinan Science and Technology Center Satellite Office in Urdaneta, saw that RM Tree Woodworx generates heaps of sawdust and wood shavings. This prodded her to request FPRDI to introduce charcoal briquetting using the carbonizer and briquettor technologies. A team of experts from FPRDI, led by Engr. Belen Bisana, Supervising Science Research Specialist, conducted the training on charcoal briquetting in-plant RM Tree Woodworx.

Charcoal briquettes can be made from agro- forest wastes, like coconut shell, coconut husk, coffee bean hull, rice hull, saw dust and other kinds of waste. Charcoal briquettes are compacted charcoal powder mixed with starch and molded under pressure. Charcoal briquettes can be used in homes, restaurants, and other industries and is an effective substitute to the ordinary wood charcoal.

Use of charcoal briquettes is cheaper than LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) and it is also environment friendly since it emits lesser smoke compared to the ordinary charcoal.

Source: http://region1.dost.gov.ph/index.php/news-mainmenu-93/151-wood-handicraft-and-furniture-maker-and-exporter-adopts-furnace-type-lumber-dryer-and-briquetting-technologies-

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