How to Make Placemat and Coaster

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Placemats and coasters are beautiful accessories on the kitchen tables and even on mini tables in the living room. Here’s the process on how to make these products.

placemat and coaster

How to Make Placemat and Coaster

Materials needed

– 1 piece red cloth (cotton) for place mat and coaster
– 1 piece white cloth for lining (tetoron) for the place mat
– Foam with the size of the place mat and coaster
– Lace with the size of a place mat and coaster
– Scissors


For place mat

1. Cut the red cloth, lining and foam with 15 inches in diameter. The wrong side of the red cloth should be facing towards you.

2. Put it together and sew the sides with at least one inch away from the sides. Leave five inches unsown to flip out the right side of the red cloth. Then sew the unsown area with the use of sewing machine.

3. Quilt the whole area to make it flat.

4. Design the whole place mat with lace.

For coaster

1. Cut the red cloth and foam into 3”x3” circles or squares (if making a circle be sure that it is bigger than the bottom of a glass). Set aside the two red cloths for the coaster. The wrong side of the red cloth should be facing towards you. Cut the foam the same size with the two red cloths.

2. Put it together and sew the sides of the cloth with at least ¼” from the end of the sides. Leave unsown area to flip out the right side of the red cloth.

3. Quilt the coaster to your desired design.

4. Design the coaster with cotton lace.

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