5 Investment Tips For Complete Beginners Looking To Get Started

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Have you thought about using some of your money to invest in the stock market? You see all those stock traders driving around in their fancy cars and you want a piece of the action. You don’t have to join a secret club to start investing and if you want to throw some money into the ring we can take a look at some tips you can use when getting started. Just remember not to gamble with money you can’t afford to lose. Waste your mortgage money and you could be out on the street.

Table of Contents

Do your homework

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If you go to someone for investment advice there is a good chance they’ll know enough to help you out, but do you think it’s a good idea to trust someone you don’t know? They could feed you a load of crap and you wouldn’t have a clue what was happening until it was too late. You don’t have to become a master investor all on your own, but you should at least do your homework so you know what people are talking about. If you spend a few hours per night doing some research you’ll gain a basic understanding of investing in no time.

Consider your options

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These days we have plenty of investment opportunities available to us, so don’t feel like you need to gamble with your money. The stock market will be around forever and there are always other less risky ways you get your feet wet. Buying property can work out great and if you have enough money you could go down this route. You could get the biggest return investing in your own business, but don’t jump into something without realizing most fail.

Go with who you know

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Do you enjoy grabbing lunch from a particular chain restaurant every week? It might be better investing in them instead of a random chemical company you don’t know anything about. If you love eating there maybe lots of other people do too. Once you begin to get more experienced you’ll be able to take bigger risks with unknown companies because you’ll know how to research them. Going with who you know is easier when getting started, but it’s also fun when you have a relationship with the companies you invest in.

Don’t drop your egg basket

When building a company you should put all of your eggs into one basket then watch over it as closely as possible. Once you find success you can start to diversify. It’s the complete opposite when you’re investing because you could end up with nothing if you don’t spread your money around. If you think it’s going to be too complicated you could always put your money into mutual funds. The fund manager would take the money in the pot and diversify it for you.

Know when to get out

Before you invest anything you must understand how some people lose tons of money. When they start losing money on a particular stock they’ll stick with it because they feel they’ve already invested so much into it. You have to be prepared to walk away with loses otherwise you will go down with the ship when it sinks. Don’t jump for the sake of jumping, but when you get to the stage where you’re only sticking around because you don’t want to walk away it’s time to go.

Just start

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I wouldn’t think about things too much because you don’t need to invest all your money. Just start now and put a little on the line. After a while you’ll know if it’s something you’re interested in doing long-term. Even if you don’t strike it rich you could easily make a good return if you don’t mess up too badly.

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  • 6848823919 724f516a05 License: Creative Commons image source
  • License: Royalty Free or iStock source: http://openclipart.org/image/300px/svg_to_png/182790/mutual_fund.png
  • License: Royalty Free or iStock source: http://pixabay.com/en/crash-statistics-chart-graphic-bar-215512/

The author of this article, Jack Simmons, works with First World Mortgage, a leading financial firm offering mortgages in Connecticut. Jack loves playing his guitar and he is a massive fan of the alternative band, Porcupine Tree.

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