Intercropping Coconuts with Ginger

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Ginger can be grown in sandy loam, clay loam, and lateritic soils, provided that the soil is at least 30 cm. deep and there is enough rainfall and good drainage in the area.

Intercropping Coconuts with Ginger

Guide on Intercropping Coconuts with Ginger

Preparing the seedpieces:

1. Select fresh and healthy seedpieces weighing at least 20 grams each and showing signs of early sprouting.
2. Before planting, wash the seedpieces in running water. Then soak them for 10 to 15 minutes in a solution of acidulated mercuric bichloride (for every 20 liters water, add 45 grams captan).

Land preparation:

1. Prepare raised beds one week before planting to ensure good drainage. Beds with two rows should be about 30 cms high and less than two meters wide. Row lengths depends on the farmer’s convenience. When beds are located in areas with high occurrences of soil-borne diseases, such as damping-off, the beds must be sterilized by burning dried rice
straw, banana leaves or coconut leaves three times on the soil surface.

2. Plant the seedpieces about five cms deep in each hill 25 cms apart in double row in each bed. Arrange the hills in a triangular pattern, whether the seedpieces are planted in poorly drained areas or areas. When planted under coconut trees, the seedpieces should be planted 25 to 20 cms. in shallow furrows 45 cms. apart.

3. At the time of planting, fertilize the soil with complete fertilizer (12-24-12), 400 kg if soil is sandy, 300 kg. if soil is clay-loam per hectare.

4. After planting, mulch the beds or ridges with green leaves (either ipil-ipil or madre de cacao) or rice straw, 10,000 kg /hectare, to prevent the soil from drying and to prevent erosion caused by monsoon rains.

5. During the second and fourth months of growth, apply fertilizer again. Generally, they should be weeded at least twice during its growth period.

Harvesting: Ginger should be harvested when the leaves become yellow and start to wither. This occurs eight months after planting.

6. In small harvesting areas, the crop is dug with a spading fork, the plant is pulled out, shakes off the soil and lays them on the bed. Stems are cut off without breaking the ginger bulbs.

7. In large plantation areas, ginger is harvested by harrowing the soil, then dried an open shaded area.

Source: Greenfields, March 1990

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