Hani Zeini: Will AI have an impact on businesses post-COVID-19?

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The exposure to coronavirus has wreaked havoc on humanity and the world as a whole. Scientists, doctors, healthcare professionals, and others are working tirelessly to deal with this unique situation and help lives return to normalcy. For this, there is a seemingly massive dependence on artificial intelligence (AI). It plays a critical role in analysis and research. From collecting medical data, to figuring out treatment, to tracing contacts, to making drugs, and beyond; the role of AI is difficult to ignore. From this, it is easy to assume that it will likely impact different businesses even after the pandemic is over. Let us explore how:

The role of AI in the businesses in the post coronavirus era by Hani Zeini

Remote Ways of Working

Offices will depend on AI to a great extent, even when the pandemic is over. Currently, a large population is working from home. Applications such as Zoom and Skype are facilitating the process of meetings, conferences, seminars, etc. These online applications use AI heavily. In the coming years, you can expect AI applications to receive the highest preference for hosting any official meetings or events.


When the COVID-19 situation ends, factories will return to their regular operations and employees will be back on-site. There is a possibility for labor challenges in some companies, especially in the supply chain. Employees may not feel confident about returning due to safety concerns, which can potentially be damaging to the factories. For this, they may incorporate artificial intelligence processes to automate the tasks and increase production.

On the flip side, the less talented, human workforce may have to face unemployment, and the existing teams will need to enhance their skills in order to acclimate to the modern AI-based systems. Data analytics, machine learning, and AI will become more critical than ever.

As per business experts like Hani Zeini, many call centers have deployed AI-enabled bots, replacing their employees. They have only a few temporary staff members to oversee other areas. The growing interest in this technology is the result of its ability to save time and money. Due to this, businesses may apply this practice even in the post-COVID world.

Analysts say that the supply chain of retail companies can become fully automated with the help of AI. Restaurants, shops, and warehouses can also benefit greatly from this. However, there is still some time before it can become a reality. Presently, the general public is dependent on mobile applications for groceries and essential services.

In another insight, according to industry stalwarts, if this trend continues, almost 70% of the managerial positions can be taken over by Chatbots and Virtual Assistants. Recruitment for higher ranks may slow down. Retail employees could potentially be at a massive loss if they do not hone their skills.

Science and Research

AI systems have an essential part to play during the pandemic in the research and development field. It has been of immense use in testing, treatment, and drug development. In the future, it will continue to have extreme relevance. Right now, companies are using a combination of AI and Blockchain for medical data collection. You can expect these systems to serve various government departments for providing easy access to information.


The trend of the autonomous cars is emerging. Imagine yourself in an automatic vehicle driven by AI, allowing you to have a tension-free journey to your workplace. Today, many new cars feature AI applications. These are semi-autonomous with voice assistants and have become common features of many automobile companies’ products.


In the healthcare industry, artificial intelligence is again paving the way for technological advancement. From automatic image diagnosis, to surgical robots, to virtual nurses, AI is introducing incredible things. As for the pandemic, many places have installed robots to help infected patients with their treatments. Some also do sanitation jobs, temperature checks, etc.

From this, one thing is clear: the world after this pandemic will depend more on AI technologies and systems than ever before. It also makes sense as this technology has shown groundbreaking results in analysis, testing, treatment, and R&D.  If you want to be relevant and useful in your workplace, you will need to increase your understanding of AI. Companies will have more inclination towards a person who understands these aspects well. Their focus will be on better productivity and cost-cutting. Hence, making yourself comfortable with this is essential for your growth and survival. Luckily, there are AI courses and programs available that can be completed in a timely manner.

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