Surefire Ways to Build a Business Brand Through Social Media

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Today, you can hardly find a business that doesn’t benefit from social media marketing. And you can see why.

Statistics show that social media reach keeps growing:

  • Right now, 3.48 billion people use social media. This number increased by 9% compared to last year.
  • Digital consumers spend almost 3 hours daily on social media.
  • Facebook is the most active social media platform, with roughly 74% of Facebook users accessing their profiles on a daily basis.

In the wake of the growing popularity of social media, 90% of brands have already started using social platforms to increase brand awareness.

How exactly are they doing it?

Let’s take a look at 3 surefire ways to build a business brand through social media.

  1. Use Logo to Get Recognized

It took Coca Cola 130 years to come up with their logo. But they didn’t have social media then, and getting recognized through traditional marketing ways took longer. Hence, Coca Cola executives could take their time to come up with what we see on their packaging today.

Today, the world got 10 times faster, and social media marketing demands quick decisions from brands. Social media marketing is a race, and you need to hop on as quickly as possible if you want to get ahead.

A logo will help your brand get recognized and identified. Reportedly, the first impression of the brand forms in the first 10 seconds of a consumer looking at the brand’s logo. A good logo:

  • must communicate the name of the brand or visually represent the brand’s name
  • should channel a certain feeling or emotion
  • should be relevant

The main point, however, is that a log should be memorable. You can still experiment with your logo for different social media channels, and even use different logo designs for a profile picture and a header, like GitLab:

gitlab commit

Image credit: Twitter

However, the concept of your logo for all social media channels should stay the same. This is how you will get recognized in the sea of competitors.

  1. Leverage Different Content Formats

A logo alone won’t get you recognized on social media. To build a business brand through social media, you need to leverage different content formats.

Right not, the most in-demand content types on social media are:

  • Live video. Live streams have recently become popular, and social media users love them. Reportedly, 80% of consumers prefer watching a live video from a brand rather than read a blog. Today, all social media platforms have the option of going live.
  • Pioneered by Snapchat, this format was later embraced by all social media platform, and, most recently, YouTube. Stories are the most popular content format. On Instagram, for instance, Stories are used by over 500 million people daily. Stories allow Instagram users to take a peek behind the scenes of the brand’s daily activities, that’s why this content type is appreciated so much.
  • Video format, in general, is on the rise. Today, 81% of brands use video as a marketing tool. This format gives a brand great exposure and recognition online. While live videos are a rough material, they should be differentiated from the videos you’d post on your channel on YouTube, for instance. These videos are more polished and have a clear message, which is crucial for brand recognition.

These content types sell like hotcakes. Thus, to build a business brand through social media, you should leverage these content types to remain relevant.

  1. Make Your Content Interactive

Interactive content deserves its own section because its role in building a business brand is so outstanding.

Reportedly, 93% of marketers have agreed that interactive content is the most effective in educating the consumers, and 88 of brands have confirmed that interactive content is the most effective to differentiate their brand from other brands.

You can leverage interactive content in many different ways. For instance, Flatfy, an international real estate company, turned a boring static map into an interactive one with links to all their subsidiary websites around the world:


Interactive content is aimed at bringing value. That is why it is mostly used for educational purposes rather than for entertainment.

Banquer, an online resource of financial education, in partnership with the Insurance Council of New Zealand, created an interactive video teaching people how to manage financial risk:

Video credit: Banquer

While it may seem that social media is used primarily for entertainment, if you want to build a strong business brand, you need to leverage content that brings value. Using interactive content will give you the exposure you need, as you focus primarily on delivering high-quality content that brings value to consumers rather than plainly promoting your product.

Wrapping Up

Social media platforms give a variety of tools to help you build a business brand, it’s all up to you how to leverage these tools.

Hopefully, our tips will help you get ahead of the game by using high-quality content and visuals that will get you recognized across all social media platforms.

Ryan is a passionate writer who likes sharing his thoughts and experience with the readers. Currently, he works as a digital marketing specialist at He likes everything related to traveling and new countries.

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