6 Simple Juice Recipes to Get You Started Juicing

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Description: In times of hardship, juice recipes can really get one’s spirits up. Juicing isn’t just a fad, it is embraced by tens of thousands of people around the world every day and for good reason. This article looks at six simple recipes to master.

Don’t you just love your fruit and veg? When you’re in a rush and haven’t got the time, juicing is a great way to consume your 5 a day and reap all the nutritional benefits quickly.


By no means should one consider this as an alternative to any wholesome food consumption, but it works wonders as an addition to anyone’s diet and replenishes what’s lacking. Many people have noticed benefits to juicing such as feeling better mentally, feeling healthier, having smoother skin and feeling more comfortable in their insides.

Basically, here is what you need – get your hands on a juicer and after that things are easy! Simply put all your ingredients amongst those rotating blades and let the machine work magic. Juicers do vary in terms of the way that they process ingredients so look into this is you’re unsure about what would work best for you.

sliced green fruits

1. The antioxidant blaster juice

One of the most important things one can do is to have their body take in as many good antioxidants as possible. These are the elements that can remove free radicals and other harmful substances from the body every day. A lot of delicious fruits and berries such as blueberries, beetroots and strawberries are rich in antioxidants and so this is a juice made from all of them! To make things a lot sweeter, bring in a golden beetroot instead of its more red cousin. Add a little water into the mix and everything will be good to go!

summer drinks

2. The immune system booster

If you’re ever feeling poorly and want to give your body the healthy kick it deserves, this is the juice to do just that. This is one of those juice recipes for energy and health that doesn’t lack in flavour. Combine ginger with oranges and apple for that sweet and acidic kick to the body. It’s a great juice to make when you can feel a virus such as a cold coming on. Very easy to make and twice as tasty!

3. The Green Machine

apple-cucumber smoothie

All the goodness of greens is important if you want to have a balanced diet. A lot of people associate a bitter and savoury taste with greens that would not be suitable for juice, however, with a couple of minutes prep you can turn greens into a highly pleasant drink. The green machine relies on a combination of apple, pear, celery, spinach and a bit of kale if you’ve got any. One could also add avocado if they prefer the texture of a smoothie. It’s a drink with an amicable amount of sweetness that will leave you both hydrated and fully refreshed.

4. Pineapple Twister

Everyone wants to be reminded of the tropics from the comfort of their own home. This is one of those juice recipes for health and escapism! Not only will a blend of pineapple and coconut milk taste great but you’ll be surprised just how nutritional it is – there are vitamins, antioxidants and essential fats. It’s a great beverage to consume when you’re on the go and a real wake up alternative to coffee.

5. Vitamin C and Spinach Combo

There are all sorts of antiviral and healing properties that spinach contains, so it’s no surprise that we’ve featured it amongst our juice master recipes. It’s pretty much our favorite go-to superfood ingredient and works brilliantly in juices. Blend and juice orange, apple, lemon and mint to create a flavorful and totally refreshing drink.

6. Cucumber and Watermelon Cooler

Both watermelon and cucumber have such a high water content that they’re perfect for juice recipes.This one is no exception, plus one of the best juice recipes for skin too. Crush them all up and serve with an additional kick of ginger if you’re feeling spicy.

Empower yourself with these juice recipes

We hope that having read this article you’ll be off to a flying start with future juicing. Remember, there are so many additions one can make to these recipes so have an experiment and have fun. Hopefully, you’ll start noticing the health benefits soon.

Have we missed any juice recipes for weight loss or health-boosting? Tell us about your favourites in our comments section below.

Our Author:

Alex Johnson is quite keen in terms of wellness and health and knows just how to make avocado juice recipes. He writes on a freelance basis and has written countless pieces to date, for many different types of industries and companies.

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