8 Home Based Business Ideas For Men

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It is not just Moms who are looking for ways to earn from home but many men want to work at home too. The reasons they are looking for home based business ideas for men are varied. This could be because they have either been retrenched, want to replace their jobs with a home business or would like to supplement their income.

business ideas for men

In this article we take a look at 8 home based business ideas for men.

1. Get involved in affiliate marketing and make use of the Internet to sell other people’s products.

With affiliate marketing you can get paid for getting leads as well as get paid by the click. Another way to make money is by recruiting affiliates in two-tier affiliate programs where you will get paid a commission on the products your recruits sell.

2. Have you thought of consulting? Using your expertise you can teach other people who will pay you for consulting if it helps them accomplish things they need done.

3. Start repairing cars at home. You can build a competitive business working out of your own garage and this can be personally enjoyable as well as very profitable.

4. Get involved in direct sales. It is not only women who get involved with direct sales companies. Men are also selling Amway, Tupperware, Avon, Herbalife and other direct sales products.

5. Start a day care centre for children. A day care business is not just for women. Many stay at home Dads these days are taking care of other people’s children.

6. Start an online network marketing business. There are many to choose from and the Internet makes it much easier to build a business from home. It is not uncommon for men to work with their wives and build their business as a team which is also a good way to do it.

7. Get involved in Joint Ventures. If you are working online look for other Internet marketers and do a joint venture together. You may be able to combine your particular skill or interest with that of another person to build a successful online business.

8. Make money freelance writing on the Internet. Writing ebooks and selling them on ClickBank or Amazon is very popular right now. Writing for other Internet marketers as an article writer or a blog writer can be extremely lucrative.

If you have a flair for writing the big money is in copywriting and you will find courses online to help you with this.

The above are 8 home based business ideas for men. Thanks to the Internet both men and women can now get involved in the same businesses, so some of the above will overlap.


Cynthia Minnaar, the owner of cyns-home-biz.com, runs her online home business full time from home. She invites you to visit her site where she will share a variety of proven home business ideas.

Source: ArticlesFactory.com


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