Meat color is an important visual quality factor when consumers purchase chicken. However, high use of antibiotics during broiler raising to achieve desirable color and freshness may have residual effects […]
Read moreCategory: Livestock
Livestock business ideas is for newbie and aspiring entrepreneurs who want to venture in livestock industry can greatly benefit from this livestock section of the site. This includes value-added products from livestock, livestock farming, livestock breeding and production, and many others.
Milking Profits from the Carabao
Milking Profits from the Carabao. Pasteurized carabao’s milk, choco milk, pastillas de leche, kesong puti, condensed milk, cheese spread, ice cream, or rennet.
Read moreBackyard Duck Raising for Meat and Eggs
Why raise ducks? Ducks are one of the most practical, versatile and useful waterfowls to raise. Duck raising offers several benefits: · Ducks are efficient producers of animal protein. · […]
Read moreHow to Raise Free-Range Chickens
Free-Range system is best adapted to small-scale farmers who raise chickens for household and commercial consumption. This low-cost free-range system increases the commercial value of poultry products. Chicken Breeds Suitable for a Free-Range System. * Local chickens or crossbreds of Rhode Island x local chickens. * Chinese chickens such as Tam Hoang or Luong Phuong […]
Read moreProbiotic-based Swine Raising Guide
Probiotics-based Swine Raising Guide. Peñalosa Farms is a model for integrated natural swine raising business practice that includes a no-bath system and low-cost housing with flooring made from natural compost ingredients.
Read moreUse of Bamboo Charcoal to Remove the Bad Smell of Manure
Use of Bamboo Charcoal to Remove the Bad Smell of Manure Cattle sheds generally have a bad smell from animal wastes. This bad odor is difficult to remove. Bamboo charcoal […]
Read moreChicken Poultry Raising Guide
Chicken broiler and egg production are the most progressive animal enterprises in the Philippines today. The poultry industry in fact began as a backyard enterprise but has shifted to the formation of very large integrated contract farming operations. The growth of tile poultry industry in the Philippines has indeed been impressive but its problems including […]
Read moreQuail Raising Tips
Lack of information, particular on feeding, inhibits investors from raising quail commercially. Here are some tips on doing it. Selecting stock. Start with 30-35 day old quail pullets. They must have tidy and neat feather with no streaks of white or black. This could be a sign of in-breeding. Choosing birds with uniform size. A […]
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