Operating a green business is not only good for the environment but also good for your business‘s bottom line because you can save money in the areas of waste reduction, equipment use, transportation, and building design. Here are some green business tips that you can do quickly and easily in your own business:
1. Turning off equipment when it’s not being used. This can reduce the energy used by 25 percent; turning off the computers at the end of the day can save an additional 50 percent.
2. Encouraging communications by email, and reading email messages onscreen to determine whether it’s necessary to print them. If it’s not, don’t!
3. Use 100% post-consumer recycled paper and reduce your paper costs by printing double sided. Don’t forget to also think twice before you print at all.
4. Use 100% recycled paper + e-documents instead of bond paper for proposals and manuscripts. Deliver contracts, invoices and receipts as PDFs.
5. Use Reusable bags made from recycled plastic materials instead of disposable plastic bags.
6. Use biodegradable supplies, mugs, cups and glasses instead of plastic utensils and styrofoam cups.
7. Open the windows. Conversely, keeping cool is more economical if you simply open the windows when the weather is warmer – air conditioning is costly and uses huge amounts of energy and yet opening the windows is good to get fresh air and allowing air to circulate.
8. Reducing vehicle usage, encouraging car-sharing and walking will also cut your costs. Use public transportation, carpool, or ride a bike to run errands and meet clients.
9. Save Water. A dripping tap can waste up to 10,000 litres of water a year, so ensure you turn off the taps.
10. Pass it on. By being a greener business you can promote business best practice to your customers and your suppliers. Genuine action to become an environmentally aware business is worthwhile to your bottom line and to the bottom line of other businesses with whom you are involved and will promote sustainability.
Sources: http://sbinfocanada.about.com/cs/environmentbiz/a/envirfriend1.htm