ABOT (agree-build-operate-transfer) AquaNegosyo

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The ABOT (agree-build-operate-transfer) AquaNegosyo is one of SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department’s programs to disseminate science-based aquaculture technologies. It was conceived in September 2006 to accelerate the promotion and adoption of sustainable tropical aquaculture technologies for food security.

Scientists actively transform their discoveries into operational businesses while enabling AQD to augment its resources for research and development. Together with highly skilled technical staff, they prepare aquaculture business packages and provide technical assistance to aquaculture farmers and investors in the Philippines and abroad.

The ABOT AquaNegosyo showcases complete technology packages that are basic inputs to businesses in hatchery, nursery, and grow out of various economically important aquatic species. Pre-project, construction and production phases require both AQD and the client to do their share in activities such as site assessment, supervision and training of technicians, monitoring, harvest and post-production aspects.

The program also provides technical advice on specific concerns such as site assessment, culture methods, and fish health. It organizes aquaculture technology forums and presents ABOT AquaNegosyo promotions on-site upon invitation.


Increase in production
ABOT packages are results of AQD’s 34 years of research & development and technology verification & demonstration. Research support is also continuous as this is the foremost mandate of AQD

ABOT AquaNegosyo is AQD’s way of ensuring dissemination and adoption of sustainable aquaculture practices as stated in the Code of conduct for responsible fisheries

Full institutional support
AQD’s scientists are committed to support client’s every step of the way, from planning to harvest What are the benefits of having AQD as your technology consultant?

Multi-disciplinary approach
AQD can easily field a multidisciplinary team as it has experts on a diverse range of aquaculture activities, from breeding to seed production to fish health and feed formulation.

Why venture into aquaculture?

Consumption, production
Nearly half of food fish today is supplied from aquaculture. People eat more and more fish over the last four decades. Fish is nutritious, rich in micronutrients, minerals, essential fatty acids and protein. Aquaculture needs to grow to keep up with the rising population.

Aquaculture production of low-value fish for domestic consumption plays a major role in providing food security in developing countries. The culture of high-value fish, shrimp and bivalves is encouraged to meet the demands of the export market, which includes new destinations like Korea, Singapore, Great Britain, Australia, Russian Federation, Guam, Belgium, Spain, and Canada.

Aquaculture can be done in lakes, reservoirs, rivers, brackish waters, and marine waters. Both aquatic plants like seaweeds and animals including milkfish, tilapia, shrimp and prawns can be cultured.

Business Packages
ABOT Aquanegosyo

Activity guide

• Client to submit information form
• AQD to assign technical advisory and services team
• Client and AQD to discuss business package
• AQD to assess site and prescribe package
• Both parties to sign and notarize agreement

• AQD to prepare the design of facilities and supervise construction
• AQD to supervise and continue to train technicians during production runs

Production runs
Client and/or AQD, depending on agreement, will take care of:

• Stocking
• Monitoring (pond, water, feed, health management)
• Harvest
• Post-production analysis (fish growth, staff and business performance)

Teaching people how to culture fish to secure food and livelihood beyond a lifetime

At SEAFDEC /AQD package and build science-based ready-for-handover operational businesses for new and re-focusing entrepreneurs. Facilities are constructed on client site and made operational through on-the-job training for technicians and employees of our clients

To be an AquaNegosyante, contact SEAFDEC /AQD:

Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines
Telefax (+63-33) 511 9174
Email: aqdchief@seafdec.org.ph
Website: www.seafdec.org.ph

Technology Verification and Demonstration Division (TVDD)
SEAFDEC/AQD Tigbauan, Iloilo
Email: abotnegosyo@seafdec.org.ph

© SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department

The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) is an intergovernmental organization established in December 1967 to promote sustainable fisheries development in the Southeast Asian region through research, training and information services.

The Aquaculture Department (AQD) hosted by the Philippines is committed to sustainable development and the responsible stewardship of aquaculture resources through research and the promotion of appropriate aquaculture technologies and information in Southeast Asia.

One comment

  1. I am a regular client of SEAFDEC for Tilapia fingerlings and I badly need technical assistance. I can barely produce 6 pcs/kg after 6 months even with commercial feeds and med density stocking. My ponds have its own spring and do not dry up even during summer but I cant also produce algae. I need assistance. Thanks

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