How Long Should you Spend on an Assignment Writing Without Wasting Valuable Time?

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Every year hundreds and thousands of students get enrolled in colleges and universities. Among many difficulties they face in the first few weeks, assignment submission on time is still the biggest one. Students try many things, such as hiring a cheap assignment writing service to overcome the time deficit. Today we will evaluate some essential steps to help you complete your assignment on time. So without taking much time, let’s get on with it.

Time Allocation on Assignment Writing

For new students, managing time does seem like a big ask but trust us; it will pay off later. Better time management involves breaking down your task into little steps or milestones. You must allocate 48-72 hours or more for scientific and medical research. 

On the other hand,  a humanities assignment generally takes around 10-12 hours of your time. We will show you how you can manage these 72 hours or 12 hours by allocating the exact time each step needs. Our tips resulted in organizations quickly hiring and training writers across the globe.

  1. Make a Plan

One of the most important steps when writing an assignment is to make a plan. Making a plan before you start will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination and getting confused. It will also keep you focused and stress-free throughout the process.

Making a plan may take too much time, but it doesn’t. It will save you time because once you’ve finished your task – an essay or booklet – there won’t be any last-minute panic about what needs doing next!

Planning will help you in your stand-alone campaign for assignment writing. Planning a project takes most of your time but reduces confusion and miscalculation. Therefore always give appropriate time for the planning part. The rest is managed when you form robust time management on writing and research.

2. Keep Calm and Stay Positive

Stress is a killer and even more dangerous when you’re trying to write a paper. It can waste time, energy, and productivity. It’s important to remember that your grades aren’t the only thing on the line here—your health is too!

The best way to combat stress is by keeping a positive attitude. Keep telling yourself that you’ll get this done—even if it’s not true (yet). You can use self-talk: “I got this.” “I’m going back over my notes.” “This paper will be done before bedtime.” Even if you’re not sure about anything yet, keep reminding yourself of how much better off everything will be once the project is finished.

Keep in mind that mistakes happen—and they often happen at points in time when we are most stressed out and overwhelmed with work. So don’t beat yourself up over everything that goes wrong while writing an essay or report; instead, try your best given the information available when writing was done (or re-written).

3. Give Yourself Appropriate Time For Topic Selection & Research

After planning, give one to two hours for topic selection and subsequent research. This is the part where you need to cut yourself from distractions. Accurate research and sources will be the key to achieving top grades on your writing assignment. 

You can also ask for help and suggestions from friends and family members. Their help can prove beneficial and reduce your time spent on this step.

4. Target Two Hours For Writing The Entire Assignment

After completing the previous steps, it’s time to write with all the energy and determination. You can allocate one hour to a 700-800 words assignment, whereas two hours are sufficient for 1500 words. At this stage, we must recognize the importance of summarized and concise documents while writing the assignment. Carefully write all the points you have collected on a mind map or a notebook. 

Avoid all distractions, such as listening to songs and talking on the phone. Because this way a slight mistake will increase your work time. Therefore we strongly recommend you write with a clear mind and focus. 

5. Allocate a Minimum of One Hour to Proofreading

After you complete every step on the given time, it’s time for a thirty minute session of first proofreading. It’s possible you might not be able to see any mistakes. That’s why after thirty minutes, take a little break of ten minutes. Reread the assignment to do a critical analysis. When you analyze by putting yourself in your professor’s shoes, you will identify countless mistakes. 

These edits might be due to grammatical errors or context relevancy related but rectifying them makes your assignment spotless. If you proofread carefully, it will not take more than one hour of your time.

6. Take a Second Opinion  

A second opinion by an expert, whether a family member or your teacher, will enhance the assignment’s credibility by two folds. Also, the second set of eyes helps find weak spots in your essay. Time-wise, it might be logical for you to give an hour or two for this process, depending on the availability of your expert. But this last might be the one you need the most, so always prioritize this step. 


So, students, we end this by saying it all depends on the type of topic and subject you have selected for your assignment. Extra work such as preplanning, researching, and proofreading by an expert will prove beneficial and can provide you with an A+. Leave the comments below if you like this blog.

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