Tina Berry Premium Korean Strawberries showcased in Singapore by K-Berry and Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation

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Tina Berry Premium Korean Strawberries
Caption 1: A fruitful Tina Berry Launch Show in Singapore for K-Berry and aT. 
Team from K-Berry and aT together with Korean exporters
Caption 2: Team from K-Berry and aT together with Korean exporters, treated show attendees to a  sampling of premium Korean strawberries and desserts at the Singapore launch of  Tina Berry. 

(SINGAPORE, December 15, 2022) – Korean Strawberry Export Integration Organization (K Berry) and Korea Agro-Fisheries and Food Trade Corporation (aT) yesterday presented a  showcase of at least four varieties of Tina Berry premium strawberries to 80 show attendees  including Singapore buyers and members of the media at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront  Hotel. 

Tina Berry premium strawberries are the top 3% to 5% of the best quality fruit produced by  strawberry-producing farms in Korea. The Tina Berry brand was created and launched in 2021  as part of K-Berry’s efforts to promote and strengthen the branding of premium quality Korean  strawberries. 

Known as the King of Winter Fruits, Korea’s strawberries are in season from December to April. This season, berry lovers in Singapore can look forward to the introduction of new varieties of Tina Berry premium strawberries.  

“At our Premium Korean Strawberry launch show held today, many Singapore buyers have  shown an interest to import these Tina Berry premium strawberries and we expect them to be  sold at various locations throughout Singapore,” said Mr. Seo Hyunwoo, CEO of Korean  Strawberry Export Integration Organization (K-Berry).  

He added, “Korean strawberries are well known for being very sweet, with a fragrant aroma  and tender texture. We are proud to introduce Tina Berry Altaking, Highberry, Kuemsil and  Snowberry premium strawberries to Singapore consumers – whether they are connoisseurs  or new to premium Korean strawberries.” 

“Korean strawberries are currently the number one, top-selling strawberry in Singapore. This  has made Singapore the second largest export destination for South Korean strawberries.” 

Tina Berry premium strawberries offer the following  guarantees: • The grade of maturity is more than 90% • The sugar content is more than 12 brix • Consistency in shape and size308WWVKBmlySeWAuEC5pEMrn97GZGYT d9Cbx HG7lxiWKmI1sG 552TCxPApWaYWpgu3gt sFxGzyXSwuUW4vIxitZpQ1zPjFawUtXDE1dPTp27EbEaxIVbGu3b0Hyyk 4z Zt e3413yxcUTTBE0NPULnprIyOKRdfepofj h JH5XCKBKaPa9dIN6Jg

With this launch, the following four types of Tina Berry premium strawberries are introduced  to the Singapore market. They are available at six pilot stores in Singapore from December  13 to December 17, 2002 (please refer to page 3 for location details). 

These juicy and flavourful strawberries are sweet and fragrant with distinct characteristics:

Name of  strawberryPhoto Description
AltakingIkWjtnULiJaSRBIPsqEXjE1hW3WsVzlwn96xZq1oozNrvf aMQz1 sXis5YFYH3AaTVZ4rDVL91ik26Z1vASukRqMIGjhw2dn27B8k4hXwXOmObEsfjnlvdh7BaAX9adoB9LQIGy34e9N 9EqlzLJEBfV893x2vu3OujLEvkt1p3DuqUh hq umw26yvZwCaption: Tina Berry Altaking premium Korean  strawberriesThis large-sized strawberry  has the fragrance of a  peach, with a high degree  of firmness and a  beautifully balanced solid acid ratio.
HighberryqmW85CGFoDwyXObsVBwUW1HNc8WBoCZtBvx8gdUZra5xgHR CVbUfl Y9vHoJMPoj2rl1d1JtAkVtytFCnMLjVFIxDHkKlf7Prs 0jprVxo7ewMiWMtE9YJSYVRjbACRsWJ9bA U4ZhQzEUqVA6RUl3ShEunA lJQ4T2RAiCaption:Tina Berry Highberry premium Korean  strawberriesThis cone-shaped  strawberry has a brilliant  scarlet colour, with firm  and hard skin that  contrasts with its soft  texture and good flavour  that melts in the mouth like  cotton candy.
KuemsilwlIE2OQdk SD290XviHcSH1IBIwJBd6byVDHAPLldJ6wtLyY7kSfS5Ruru cKEe mAI9QVbEILMmmQNi2OQowJlnDJ1r ddoTXOCNSqmSC YZkGrzRnag8Lry8qMPwLs3phoZ 2hRjvy55Rn3UB wbUmYnVC00Vw6 QkkgA1DKCVr R5T2bmNUNNoP0GegCaption: Tina Berry Kuemsil premium Korean  strawberriesThis firm strawberry has a  small cone shape with  excellent hardness. It has  a distinct sweet taste and  strong fragrance, with a  hint of peach. 
Snowberry  (white berry)cnnAUyjYK79p9HcveHcLFQVPHq dfMQX9jtM83eC9NE8eMl0puE9CbZ2OOmoqb m7tnO0aezKXnsX6DF0b2drBhQfgMlBWerf1vvifurTZQOdmcyaAbZSOtfjnfdVnDEAeHYfpvtMzyjF4u2E4SBX4yhvpRVfPyUbVC5tF55bYl 8ACakup U65YqdGU4gCaption: Tina Berry Snowberry premium Korean  strawberriesWith a pink skin, round  shape and a soft texture  like eating snow, this  strawberry looks like it is  snow-covered.

During this pilot period from December 13 to December 17, 2022, Tina Berry premium strawberries will be available at the following six Cold Storage outlets: 

• CS Fresh @ Bugis Junction: 200 Victoria Street, #B1-17/18, Bugis Junction, Singapore 188024 • Cold Storage @ Plaza Singapura: 68 Orchard Road, #B2-15/16, Plaza, Singapore 238839 • Cold Storage Takashimaya: 391A Orchard Rd, B2-01-1 Ngee Ann City, Singapore 238872 • Cold Storage Holland Village: 211 Holland Ave, #01-02,04,05 Holland Shopping Ctr, Singapore  278967 

• Cold Storage Jelita: 293 Holland Road #01-01 Jelita Shopping Centre, 293 Holland Rd, 278628 • CS Fresh @ Siglap V: 2 First St, #01-05 Siglap V, Singapore 458278

Korea is currently ranked 7th globally in strawberry exports, and its strawberries are exported  to 26 countries around the world.1 

Korean strawberries are the number one, most popular strawberry in Singapore. According to  the ITC Trade Map for 2021, 39% of the strawberries that Singapore imported were from Korea  alone. This is valued at USD 15 million. In the same year, total strawberry imports to Singapore  from other countries including USA and Australia were valued at USD 38 million. 

Said Mr. Seo Hyunwoo, “As Korean strawberries have successfully become the top choice of  strawberries in the Singapore mass market, our aim now is to market Tina Berry premium  strawberries to the high-end market,”  

“Korean strawberries have catered to the diverse tastebuds of a global audience due to new  cultivation approaches. The collaboration between strawberry producers and exporters  working together allows Korean strawberries to be exported globally, through improved  strawberry nursery and cultivation management, technical education and the advanced  technology to maintain the freshness of the fruit.” 

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