5 Blog Posts that Increase Comments: Get More Blog Comments by Publishing These Blog Posts

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All bloggers are challenged with motivating readers to publish comments and join conversations on their blog posts. Most visitors to your blog will read your blog posts, but very few will comment. That’s a frustrating reality to face when you’ve spent a lot of time writing fantastic blog posts. Getting nothing in return from your audience can bruise any blogger’s ego.

If increasing blog comments is a top priority for your blog, then consider publishing a blog post that is known to compel people to speak up and join the conversation. Five of these types of posts are described below. Keep in mind, don’t sacrifice the user experience on your blog just to get more comments. If these posts aren’t a good match for your blog or audience, don’t publish them.

1.  Celebrity Blog Posts

If you mention a popular celebrity in a blog post, it’s very likely that your post will be picked up by fan sites and fan Twitter accounts. They’ll want to share your post with their audiences, and if they don’t agree with what you’ve written about their favorite celebrity, they’ll publish a comment on your post to tell you so. Don’t believe it? Spend some time on a celebrity blog and see how many comments blog posts published on those sites get. Take a closer look and you’ll see the passionate conversations happening within those comments. Whether you like it or not, blog posts about celebrities get people talking.

2.  Controversial Blog Posts

Write about a controversial topic or play devil’s advocate in a blog post about a topic that people feel passionately about, and it’s very likely that visitors to your blog will want to join the debate. Tread very carefully with controversial blog posts, and make sure the content doesn’t do more harm than good in terms of alienating your existing readers or potential readers. Controversial blog posts must be consistent with your overall blog brand image and reputation.

3.  Contest Blog Posts

Blog contests are a great way to increase blog comments if you require that people publish a comment on your contest post in order to gain entry into the contest drawing. Keep in mind, blog contests typically generate a lot of blog comments quickly, but few of those visitors will return to your blog. In other words, an uptick in blog comments during a blog contest will fall back down after the contest is over. However, blog contests can drive short-term traffic and conversation, and the hope is that some of that traffic and conversation will stick around after the contest is over.

4.  Breaking News and Hot Topic Blog Posts

If your blog is one of the first websites to break a news story, you’ll not only get a lot of traffic, but you’ll probably get a lot of comments on that post, too. However, most bloggers aren’t journalists, and attempting to break news stories is unlikely to happen often (or ever). Rather than being the first to write about a news story, bloggers can write about hot and trending topics. There are numerous ways to find trending to write about on your blog. When you see a hot topic come up that is appropriate to write about on your blog, publish a blog post about it. There is a good chance that not only will the post-drive traffic, sharing, and incoming links, but it might boost comments, too.

5.  Humorous Blog Posts

It’s hard to resist commenting on a blog post that makes you laugh, so don’t be afraid to publish a humorous blog post from time to time. Funny blog posts are usually well-shared and can drive comments and conversations between readers within the comments section of your blog post. If your blogging application allows it, be sure to allow people to subscribe to comments on your blog, so they can keep up with ongoing conversations and jump back in later. This happens often when people are conversing through the comments on a blog post that made them share a virtual laugh.

About the author: Bianca J. Ward used to be a divorce coach, but now she is a professional essay writer at EssayWriterFree where she provides people with qualified works. Besides, she is a passionate photographer and traveler who has visited 52 countries all over the world. Bianca dreams about creating a photo exhibition to present her works to others.


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