Electronic signature: What It Is, When It Can Be Used And How Valid It Is?

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Electronic signature

With it, processes can be streamlined and made more efficient, while at the same time it has a clear environmental impact, since the use of paper is reduced. It is important to know well how it works and how it is possible to be sure of its validity. In this article we clarify some key points about this matter and will tell you how to create a e-signature.

Key Points

· The electronic signature is a set of digital data that allows the person who signs a document to be identified.

· There are several types of electronic signature, with different characteristics and levels of security.

· Electronic signing of documents allows companies to speed up the entire contracting process, in addition to saving money and time.

· Some of the documents that can be signed electronically are employment contracts, documents related to the prevention of occupational risks and confidentiality agreements.

What is the Electronic Signature?

The electronic signature is, strictly speaking, the set of electronic data that is attached as a signature to an electronic document and that serves to identify the signatory and guarantee the integrity of the document that has been signed. However, this term also applies, in general, to the process in which a person uses this system to validate documents.

There are different types of E-signature laws and regulations in United Kingdom are defined. These are:

Signature type and Characteristics

Simple electronic signature

· It is the least secure form of electronic signature.

· It does not allow the user’s identity to be certified.

· It does not allow certifying the integrity of the document.

· The most common is the signature scanned in a text.

Advanced Electronic Signature (AES)

· It has a higher level of security than the simple one.

· It must be linked to the signatory in a unique way.

· It must allow the identification of the signatory.

· The signature data is controlled exclusively by the signatory.

· It must allow detecting possible changes in the document after its signing.

Qualified Electronic Signature (QES)

· It is the safest of the three.

· It must meet the same requirements as the advanced one.

· It must also be done with a qualified electronic certificate.

How Does An Electronic Signature Work?

There are different types of electronic signature. The most common is one in which the user has a certificate issued by a certification authority. Every time a person uses that certificate, he leaves, so to speak, his imprint on the document.

An advanced electronic signature without a certificate is also possible, since there are some technologies that allow the user to sign with guarantees and complying with the requirements established in UK. They are normally based on a cloud system, and the signer receives a link to the document hosted in the service that offers the electronic signature. They tend to be very simple, very fast processes and in which data protection is guaranteed.

Some of the great advantages of using this type of signature are:

· The processes are much more agile and efficient, since it is possible to automate many of the tasks.

· By not relying on paper, the risk of losing or damaging documents is greatly reduced.

· It is no longer necessary for the signatory to travel. You can sign anywhere using an electronic device, be it a laptop, tablet or even smartphone.

· The use of paper is reduced, which is much more sustainable.

How can DocuSignSoftware help you in Electronic Signature Processes?

Among the multiple functionalities of DocuSign is the electronic signature of digital documents in an easy, secure way and in compliance with current regulations. This allows companies to more quickly manage the documents to sign an employment contract. Therefore, the electronic signature helps speed up contracting processes and requires less investment, both financial and time.

In addition, DocuSign complies with the E-signature laws and regulations in United Kingdom, so that documents signed electronically using this software have legal validity.

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