SSS-UBP UMID ATM Pay Card upgrade raffle promo for selected members to end on April 30, 2023

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The Social Security System (SSS) Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) ATM Pay Card upgrade raffle promo in partnership with the UnionBank of the Philippines (UBP) will end on Sunday, 30 April 2023.

The SSS encourages qualified members to join the raffle promo, where they could win a brand-new Mitsubishi Xpander or iPhone 14. This promo is open to all members who are waiting for the issuance of their UMID cards and have received invitations for a free UMID ATM Pay Card upgrade from the SSS. The UBP will draw the winners on May 11, 2023.

To earn a raffle entry, qualified members must first upgrade their existing applications to an SSS-UBP UMID ATM Pay Card then deposit at least P1,000 to their UMID ATM Pay Card account within the promo period. Members who successfully joined the promo will also automatically get a P200 Jollibee eGift certificate.

After the promo, qualified members can still upgrade to a UMID ATM Pay Card for free, subject to the guidelines set by the SSS and UBP.

The SSS has sent detailed guidelines of the UMID ATM Pay Card upgrade and promo mechanics to the registered email addresses of qualified members. They can also read about this upgrade in their My.SSS accounts.

Members who are availing of the free UMID Pay Card upgrade must give their consent through the Services Tab of their My.SSS account via web browser at and open an SSS UMID ATM Pay Card account (Government Card with Savings Account) through any of the following:

As soon as the UMID ATM Pay Card account with UBP is created, members can already use it for various online transactions while the physical UMID ATM Pay Cards will be delivered to them within 15 days for Metro Manila or 20 days for provinces.

Meanwhile, SSS advised existing UMID cardholders and those who will be applying for their UMID cards for the first time to wait for further announcements on when they can avail themselves of the new SSS UMID ATM Pay Card.  

The SSS-UBP UMID ATM Pay Card serves as a valid government-issued ID and disbursement account for SSS benefits, loans, and refunds. Through this, members will also be able to check their balance, withdraw cash, transfer funds, pay bills, or deposit through the UBP’s branches, self-service machines, and BancNet ATMs nationwide; and be able to access its online and mobile banking platforms.

Further details about the said card can be accessed at and For more SSS information, visit the uSSSap Tayo Portal at, follow “Philippine Social Security System – SSS” on Facebook, “mysssph” on Instagram or YouTube, “PHLSSS” on Twitter, or join its Viber Community at “MYSSSPH Updates.” ###

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