SSS promotes its online channels amid rise in COVID-19 cases

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The Social Security System (SSS) is once again urging its members, pensioners, and employers to use its online services as the country continues to record a high number of COVID-19 cases.

SSS President and CEO Aurora C. Ignacio said transacting with the SSS using its online channels is the simplest, safest, and most convenient option for SSS stakeholders.

“Through our online channels, our stakeholders can avail of our services without the need to go out of their homes or offices, minimizing their risk of exposure to COVID-19,” Ignacio said.

Among SSS’ online channels are the My.SSS Portal at, SSS Mobile App, and uSSSap Tayo Portal at

Using the My.SSS Portal, members, pensioners, and employers can access their SSS information including contributions, loans, and status of benefit claims or reimbursement; open the Disbursement Account Enrollment Module (DAEM) and Benefit Re-Disbursement Module (BRM); and generate Payment Reference Numbers (PRNs) for contributions and loans.

Members may also submit Maternity Notifications (for individual members), Maternity Benefit Applications and Adjustment of Maternity Benefit, Sickness Benefit Applications, Funeral Benefit Applications, Retirement Benefit Applications (subject to qualifying conditions for online filing), Salary Loan Applications, Calamity Loan Applications, and Pension Loan Applications (for renewal), among others.

On the other hand, employers may also submit Contribution Collection Lists (R3), Employment Reports (R1A), Loan Collection Lists (ML2), SS Sickness Benefit Reimbursement Applications, and Maternity Benefit Reimbursement Applications; and certify their employees’ Retirement Benefit and Salary Loan Applications, among others.

Currently, there are over 30 member services and nearly 20 employer services available in the My.SSS Portal. Some of these services can also be accessed through the SSS Mobile App.

Meanwhile, the uSSSap Tayo Portal, a self-service platform, enables SSS stakeholders and the public to conveniently find relevant SSS information to answer their questions and access a facility to communicate with the SSS for their additional concerns.

The uSSSap Tayo Portal has three sections, namely the Knowledgebase Section, which contains information about SSS programs and services, including a getting started guide, step-by-step and how-to articles, and troubleshooting information; the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Section, where users can access answers to common SSS queries; and the Viewing and Submission of Tickets Section that allow users to check the status of their concerns or create additional tickets.

Online and alternative payment channels for SSS contributions and loans are also available. One of which is through the SSS Mobile App, wherein self-employed, voluntary, and Overseas Filipino Worker members can pay their contributions using their PayMaya account, GCash account, Credit Card/Debit Card, or Bank of the Philippine Islands account. Information about SSS online and alternative payment channels can be found in the Knowledgebase Section of the uSSSap Tayo Portal.

To know more about SSS’ various online services, members and employers may also access, follow “Philippine Social Security System – SSS” on Facebook, “mysssph” on Instagram or YouTube, “PHLSSS” on Twitter, or join SSS’ Viber Community at “MYSSSPH Updates.” ###

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